1. AB2109
Medical Freedom Under Attack in CA
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4. New vaccine textbook: 2012
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AB2109: Down To The Wire
It is shocking that the public furor surrounding the upcoming AB2109 in Sacramento next week has been conspicuously absent from virtually all mainstream media. We have seen nothing at all on this unprecedented legal proposal in the Sacramento Bee, San Francisco Chronicle, LA Times, from James Morrison or Jim Sanders, etc.
If this Bill is passed requiring a medical signature on a Personal Beliefs Exemption, the parent must get permission not to vaccinate. This may well serve as a precedent for other incursions into the sacrosanct right of parents to protect their children by choosing any health care they see fit.
Why is this not newsworthy? Look at some of the fluff that has appeared in these media in the past 2 weeks. Life threatening storms in the midwest? That's more newsworthy?
How about this for a lead: Medicine as Government, Government as Medicine?
Or perhaps: Freedom With Permission? Those are solid hooks. I'd read that.
It's not like media is unaware of the social turmoil surrounding AB2109. They have been sent copies of all statements, reports, memoranda, notices of meetings, position papers, etc from the groups opposing the bill. The offices of members of the AB2109 Assembly Committee have been flooded with emails, faxes, and phone calls from the general public, even those outside California for the past 3 weeks. Why is the lid being kept on like this?
So in an 11th hour attempt to awaken the media to this vital issue, here are some sources that will summarize the opposition to next week's AB2109.
Freedom With Permission
Interview with Attorney Alan Phillips : The Unconstitutionality of AB2109
AB2109 and The Constitution
- Alan Phillips
Spinal Column Radio Interview 13 April 2012
Facebook: Californians Against AB2109
Community Meeting for AB2109
Freedom With Permission?
On Monday night 16 Apr
Thrive Church
3109 Dwight Rd (at Laguna)
Elk Grove
6:30 - 9:30
This meeting will cover all the issues inherent in AB2109: unconstitutionality, burden on parents, misrepresentation of fact, but most importantly the precedent this bill will set for medical choice in the future. Never before in California has there been such a dangerous suggestion as AB2109.
Speakers will be Dawn Winkler, Dr Mark Cymerint, Dr Tim O'Shea.
Free of charge.
Get all the facts and be ready for April 17!
Bring Lawyers and friends!
The Chiropractic Seminar
- 12 May – Denver
- 23 Jun – Dublin, Ireland
- 23 Jun – Dublin, Ireland
- 15 Apr – Cle Elum, WA (WSCA)
- 10 May – Denver
- 7 Jul – Canterbury, England
- 10 May – Denver
- 28-30 Jun – Edinburgh, Scotland
- 28 Apr – Sacramento
- 5 May – LAX
- 9 Jun – Orange County
- click here for details
- *********************************************
- 5 May – LAX
The Most Reliable Vaccine Textbook For Parents
Vaccination Is Not Immunization
- Tim O'Shea.
This is the brand new 2012 Second Edition of the book, a complete re-write, not just a reprint of the old book. The most reliable book for parents who want to end the confusion once and for all on whether they should vaccinate or not.
If you've read an old version of this text, it's out of date. So much has happened in this field this past year which has not been in media. Quick look:
The Peanut Allergy Epidemic: how vaccines have been found as the proven cause of over 1 million children hypersensitive to peanuts, now the #1 cause of child anaphylaxis -
The new Shaken Baby industry, which can be a cover-up for vaccine injury -
The ongoing Autism Epidemic, affecting between 2 -4 million children today and NIH's refusal to look for the cause
This research is effectively banned from mainstream media. As always though, each fact, each statistic is meticulously documented from the best sources available. The solid references make this information bulletproof.
The vaccine industry today is in a panic. It can no longer keep these secrets hidden. More and more people are learning about the actual physical brain effects on their children, and they're opting out, signing the exemptions. That's what all the hysterical new law enforcement of school vaccines is really about.
With all the effort it takes to opt out, it's not the lazy or the uninformed folks deciding not to vaccinate.
Do you even know what Prevnar or Human Papilloma Virus, or MCV4 or DPT – do you even know what these vaccines are?
And even if you do, wouldn't you like to know what the scientists who make the vaccines have said about them, down through the decades? Or are you going to get all your information from the clinic that makes its living selling vaccines, just roll over, and vaccinate your kid?
Takes a little reading but it's not that difficult to learn the story here. You can read this book in a day or so.
We are shocked to find that many medical doctors know the information in this book and do not vaccinate their own children. But they'll vaccinate yours. The majority of the endorsements on the back cover of the book are from medical doctors. Here's one of the most recent:
- "It is impossible to estimate the true value of Dr O'Shea's work. His review of the history of the vaccination industry is vastly more thorough than that taught in medical schools and decisively more balanced. "… O'Shea has once again blessed us with a resource that will allow parents to make an informed choice, and for medical professionals to take pause at what they had been indoctrinated to believe was valid science and good medicine."
- - David Ayoub, MD, Clinical Radiologist
- - David Ayoub, MD, Clinical Radiologist
The definitive book on vaccines today. Vaccination Is Not Immunization , 2nd Edition 2012
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