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Subject: | [Paranormal_Research] The Disease Machine: Why Drug Makers Keep You Sick |
Date: | Fri, 27 Jan 2012 15:20:22 +0000 (GMT) |
From: | Drou <drouetda@btinternet.com> |
Reply-To: | Paranormal_Research@yahoogroups.com |
The Disease Machine: Why Drug Makers Keep You Sick
Why are ineffective and dangerous drugs peddled by supposed 'public health' organizations in place of well-established natural solutions with virtually zero side effects? The truth of the matter is that drug makers simply would not profit if the world were to awaken to the plethora of free health-promoting substances that beat out over-priced pharmaceuticals and medical interventions. There would be no need for pharmaceutical manufacturers, phony 'public health' organizations peddling the latest 'miracle' drug, and certainly no research organizations feeding off the donations of good-hearted individuals.
You may think that this is an impossibility and that natural solutions simply do not compare to 'scientifically proven' pharmaceutical science. The truth of the matter is that scientific evidence is the very thing disproving the safety and effectiveness of pharmaceutical drugs as well as highlighting the surplus of beneficial properties associated with inexpensive and free vital nutrients.
Contrast: Cancer Drugs Causing 'Mega' Tumors, Turmeric Reduces Tumors by 81%
It was recently revealed that cancer drugs, toted as the only choice among chemotherapy for many cancer sufferers by 'public health' groups, are actually causing massive tumors and subsequently killing the patient. The cancer drugs were found to not only be completely ineffective, but deadly. These are the same drugs that are sold for a premium price and considered to be scientifically validated.
Meanwhile, peer-reviewed research has found that a spice known as turmeric can reduce tumors by 81% naturally. Researchers found that curcumin (a derivative of turmeruc) dramatically decreased brain tumors in 9 out of the 11 studies examined by 81 percent. Furthermore, there was no evidence of toxicity. Widely used as a spice in South Asian and Middle Eastern countries, turmeric is continually being pinpointed as an extremely potent anti-cancer solution. What's more is the fact that turmeric is extremely inexpensive, and can be found around the globe - from Saudi Arabia to Kentucky.
This is just one example of scientific research validating natural alternatives while simultaneously pinpointing the extreme dangers associated with mainstream pharmaceuticals pushed as the only treatment by drug companies.
Antibiotics Causing Mental Illness, Drug Makers Treat With Antipsychotics
As reported back in 2011, antibiotics have been found to permanently destroy beneficial gut bacteria and damage gut health. As you may know, gut health has been directly linked to the state of your mental health, with some even going as far as saying that your gut is your 'second brain'. What this means is that antibiotic use can actually breed mental illness (along with diabetes and metabolic syndrome), which is quite concerning when considering that half of all Americans are to be diagnosed with a mental illness within their life time.
What is the answer to these skyrocketing mental illness rates according to drug makers and the mainstream medical industry? Prescribe mind-altering antipsychotics. Prescribe more drugs to treat a side effect of another drug - receive more profits. After all, the extreme profits generated from antipsychotic drugs became apparent in 2008, becoming the top-selling therapeutic class prescription drug in the United States and grossing over $14 billion in sales.
Of course these antipsychotics are given out to patients instead of actually addressing the core problem associated with gut health. As a result, the patient simply is under the influence of brain-altering effects and never really 'recovers' from their mental illness. Instead, they are sentenced to a lifetime of prescription drug usage with the possibility of reduced dosage over time. To truly address the issue of gut health, it is vital to utilize probiotics to restore the depleted beneficial bacteria back into your gut.
This can easily be done through natural foods or high quality supplementation. Fermented food items such as sauerkraut, tempeh, miso or kefir are all rich sources of probiotic bacteria. But the drug makers would never willingly tell you that, because all of these foods can be found for a few dollars at your local farmers market and can work more effectively to recover mental health than dangerous antipsychotics.
Paradigm Shift
Drug makers want you to remain sick, tired, and looking for pharmaceutical solutions. In order to see a transformation, natural solutions need to be brought into the spotlight. As a result, drug sales will plummet and these profit-mongering corporations will begin to go bankrupt after spending millions on the latest cancer drug that turns out to actually be deadlier than the disease itself.
A real paradigm shift is coming - the gears of the disease machine are slowing to a halt.
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Health Conspiracies & Anything Strange
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