
Saturday, June 25, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Letter to Delta because they adopted Saudi 'no-Jew' fly policy

I normally do not like politics or religion,  I am NOT a christian, but this is terrible to discriminate
just because some one is of a particular religion, I do hope Delta is not doing that! G.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Letter to Delta because they adopted Saudi 'no-Jew' fly policy
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 17:04:42 -0700
From: <>

My letter is at the end.  You can use part of it or write you own, or all or whatever.  The saudi's will next demand that women can't fly there unless they have the headdress for Muslims.  If you didn't read this article when I sent it a day or two ago, check it out!  Christians will be next!

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Delta adopts Saudi 'no-Jew' fly policy

Delta Air Lines' plan to add Saudi Arabian Airlines to its SkyTeam Alliance of partnering companies would require the American carrier to ban Jews and holders of Israeli passports from boarding flights from New York or Washington bound for Jeddah, prompting outraged accusations of illegal religious discrimination.

Read the latest now on


The IRS has stripped the embattled Council on American-Islamic Relations of its tax-exempt status after the nation's most prominent Muslim group withheld donor records from the government.

The move by the federal agency follows an expose published by WND Books that revealed these and other violations by CAIR and triggered a federal investigation and audit.

Click here for details.






Delta Airlines

P.O. Box 20930

Atlanta, GA  30320-2980





I was highly offended to hear that you are joining with the Saudi government to prevent Jewish nationals or holders of Jewish passports to fly. 


I've read your two letters to an attorney who has been working on this matter with the government.  One of them writes: "Delta is prohibited from engaging in religious discrimination by a variety of state and federal laws, as well as its own Code of Ethics," he wrote. "However, Delta would be directly involving itself in the most heinous form of religious discrimination if it were to enter into any code share or other reciprocal travel arrangements with any airline which refuses boarding to individuals of specific religious persuasions."

Read more: Delta adopts Saudi 'no-Jew' fly policy


I just wanted to let you know, that until this matter is resolved, and you have stopped siding with the Saudi government and airlines there, I won't be using Delta for my trips to the Midwest or anywhere else, for that matter.   If this is not satisfactorily resolved, and you insist on joining with the Saudi's, then my decision will be permanent.


I will notify my business associates, friends and family of your transgression and encourage them to join me in boycotting your airline.






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