A Short History Lesson
The product, Lugol's Iodine was created in 1829 by Dr. Jean Lugol, a French physician. He mixed 5% iodine and 10% potassium iodine in distilled water.
Through this combination of elements, Dr. Lugol was able to achieve remarkable success.
The formula for use then and now, is two drops per day. This dosage of 12.5 mg. of 5% iodine closely matches your daily requirement for iodine when you are not eating enough foods high in iodine.
Correct Balance
This particular combination of iodine and iodide (potassium iodine) is readily absorbed by your entire body.
Before much research was done on absorption by the body, it was believed that iodine alone could be absorbed and converted to iodide in the intestinal tract.
Research performed by Dr. K. Thrall and published in Fundamental and Applied Toxicology, 15:75-81, 1990, proved this to be an incorrect theory.
SSKI and most other liquid iodine formulas do not have this correct balance of iodine and iodide, essential for easy body absorption.
Anyone undertaking iodine treatment should make certain the formula contains the correct ratio of iodine to iodide.
Tissue Absorption
Different tissues in the body, according to Dr. David Brownstein, author of Iodine: Why you need it, Why you can't live without itHe explains why it makes sense to combine the two elements into the Lugols iodine formula for maximum and complete absorption by the body.
The thyroid gland utilizes iodide. The breasts, the prostate gland, and the skin concentrate iodine. Other parts of the body may use either iodine or iodide.
Supplemental or Therapeutic Dosage
There is one downside to this product. It has a very unique metallic taste. Some people find it offensive, while others have no problem with the taste.
For general health on a daily basis, add two drops or 12.5 mg. of 5% iodine to an 8 oz. glass of water, apple juice or apple cider in the morning.
Dr. Brownstein suggests starting at 6 mg. and gradually increasing to 50 mg. dosage daily.
If you are fighting a bacterial or viral infection such as cold, flu, or strep, you may increase the dosage.
In an 8 oz. glass of distilled water or juice, add 50 mg. or 8 drops of 5% Lugols. This should be taken 20 minutes before eating to allow for absorption.
Conversion Chart Five Percent Lugols:
2 drops= 12.5 mg. 4 drops=25 mg. 8 drops=50 mg
Note: 2% iodine would require double(+) the drops
Additional Usage of Lugols
The iodine helps your body eliminate toxins stored in fat, especially bromine which may cause detox symptoms such as pimples and headaches.
Other detox symptoms may be fatigue, muscle aches, fever, diarrhea, and brain fog, and skin rashes.
Lugol's has been used to treat gout caused by high uric acid in the blood. The uric acid is deposited on the articular cartilage of joints, tendons, and surrounding tissues causing excruciating pain.
Lugols can be used topically on the skin for infection and sepsis. It can help open up blocked arteries, disinfect water, and cure bladder infections.
It has been shown to reduce or eliminate ovarian cysts, diminish unsightly keloids, loosen phlegm, and reduce or eliminate Peyronie’s Disease and Dupuytron’s contracture.
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