
Friday, May 13, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Vibrant Energy: Emotions Cause/Prevent Disease



Vibrant Energy

Please share this newsletter with your friends.   We all have needs to be met.

May 14, 2011


Are the stresses of daily life getting you down?

Family pressures got you on the ropes?

Financial worries choking the life out of you?

Suffering with chronic pain?



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Stop the stress!  Feel FREE again!



Dear Friends,


Definition of STRESS:  The tension that's created when one's mind overrides the body's basic desire to choke the dickens out of some jerk who so desperately deserves it. 


That’s my attempt at humor, but I’m sure many of us have battled such an impulse at one time or another.  Thank God, reason usually prevails and we do no harm, except to ourselves as we feel the frustration when we push down the desire. J


This week’s Quote is from  Dr Russel Blaylock, who authors the Blaylock Wellness Report, lists the Stress Danger Signs


Diffuse muscle and joint pains                  Chest pains

Constipation                                                      Restlessness

Diarrhea                                                              Pounding heart

Stomach cramping                                          Irritability

Cold, sweaty hands                                        Shortness of breath

Decreased sex drive                                       High blood pressure

Confusion                                                           Teeth grinding 

Forgetfulness                                                    Sadness or crying spells

Overeating or even loss of appetite       Mood swings

Withdrawal                                                        Headaches


Most of us have suffered from one or more of these, maybe even all of them, during our lifetime.  Stress is common to every one of us. 


But what is done to combat the ill effects of stress?  The chemicals which are released by the brain into the blood stream are meant to enable the fight or flight response, and when we don’t do either, those chemicals attack our own tissues, causing diseases such as stroke, heart attacks, Lupus, Fibroymyalgia and more.


Some of us will buy a bottle of wine to take home to calm our nerves.  Some smoke a few more cigarettes.  Others hit the local bar to toss down a few?  Some go to the gym and work out?  What’s your answer to your stress?  Denying it or ignoring it doesn’t change its ill effects.  Obviously, some solutions to stress are better than others, but it is necessary to have a solution.  Our own body suffers if we don’t.


Have you ever considered that behind your “current” stress, the problem that upset you today, is a lifetime of stresses and stressors?   Have you ever considered that you are carrying this load in the back of your mind and you never lay this burden down?  It’s true.


Your history is written in your subconscious mind, as if it is happening now.  The subconscious knows no time difference.  Last month is the same as now.  If you don’t believe that, try picturing a very stressful or happy or painful time in your life.  Really get into the memory and see what you feel.  You will find that you feel the same emotions you felt at the time of the memory’s occurrence, even though it is weeks or months or years ago.  You still feel the pain of rejection or loss or anger.  And all those emotions are stored as if they are happening now, so your mind, with the least bit of provocation of today’s new problem or stress, automatically reacts with more stress.  You are building stress upon stress.


However, by learning this wonderful technique, you can relieve the old stresses that no longer apply.  You can lighten your burden on your subconscious mind which will allow the problems of today to more easily roll off your back.  You don’t have to continually be thrust to the boiling point and feel ready to blow.  Your life can be peaceful!  Imagine that! 


“Oh, but you don’t know my problems!” I can hear you saying. 


Well, no, I don’t.  But I do know that they are common to all.  That your subconscious is just like everyone else’s and it can be soothed and calmed.  I do know, from years of experience, that this technique brings peace and even understanding in a new way, so that today’s new stresses aren’t continually triggering your stress response. 


Let me show you how. 


Check out the web site and the testimonies.  They are TRUE.  People are finding help they never imagined.  You can be one of them.


Love and blessings,


Jan Slama

Change your energy, change your life! 


COMING EVENTS:  The Spokane  Holistic Chamber of Commerce fair is Sat. June 4th , at the Unity Church in Spokane.  Be sure to stop by our booth and introduce yourself.  Look for our Vibrant Energy banner!  Please come and join us if you can.  There will be exhibitors and vendors offering lectures and products to help you improve your health and well-being.






MMS:  We are a supplier of Miracle Mineral Supplement (recently renamed Master Mineral Supplement).  Not a mineral at all, but a form of activated oxygen which lasts up to 12 hours in your system.  It is nature’s antibiotic.  It destroys ONLY the BAD bacteria, viruses and fungi which attack your body.  Unlike the doctors antibiotics which only kill bacteria, but then kills ALL bacteria, which means you are losing even the good bacteria necessary for your digestion and health.  MMS kills only the pathogens which don’t match your body’s ph Factor, so it only kills the bad, never the beneficial organisms we need.  You can contact us for more info, testimonies and prices.


Diatomaceous Earth:  Consisting of 14 different life-giving minerals, including predominantly silica, this powder can be mixed into water or juice and has no flavor of its own.  It provides basic building blocks for your cells, and creates wonderful energy.  Not the buzzy energy such as coffee provides, but sustained strength and vitality.  You can feel the difference.  We will not ship diatomaceous earth, but you can pick some up from us here in the Spokane Valley.  Email us for more info, prices and testimonies!




We very much appreciate your referrals!

Please ask your friends to mention your name when they order products or lessons.

I’d love to send you a gift for referring them.

If some have already ordered and not mentioned your name,

please tell me their name and I’ll still send you a Thank You gift.

And Thank You so much!





We owe our wonderful men and women who are now serving or have ever served in the military a huge debt of gratitude.  If you are suffering from Post Traumatic stress, Gulf War Syndrome or similar military duty related maladies, injuries or injection reactions, or you suspect that these are the problems, I want to help you be FREE of those debilitating issues.  Just mention that you are serving or have served.  Let me show you how to quiet and relax your jangled nerves!  This offer includes military spouses and their children living in their home.




You’ll be surprised at the peace this simple energy healing technique can bring,

and you can learn to do it for yourself, anytime, anywhere, in just a few minutes.


So simple a child can (and has!) used it effectively.


Please don’t give up hope.  Don’t give in to the “Why Bother” syndrome!  The stresses in your life can be dismissed in a few minutes.


Why struggle day after day with the same old problems, which only cause stress and worry and fear -- which wrecks havoc with your heart and blood pressure, when with just a few minutes with this technique can bring you results beyond imagining!  WAY better and so much faster than Yoga or Hypnosis or Acupuncture or any of the conventional therapies.  Much simpler.  Pain FREE.  And with lasting results.


This simple energy healing technique involves no drugs or supplements, no counseling, no painful rehashing of traumatic past events, no forcing yourself to “be brave and face your fears!”


Yet, it has consistently demonstrated that it can bring personal peace to those suffering from stress and anxiety, depression, fears and phobias, and even chronic pain!  Results are, across the board, impressive and highly rewarding to the sufferers of these debilitating problems.


Check out the web page and then call me or email me for your appointment.  You can use this wonderful technique every day of your life to relax your stressors and calm your jangled brain and nerves.


Life can be joyous again!



DISCLOSURE: ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS EMAIL IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS MEDICAL ADVICE.  Any information herein is for educational purpose only; it may be news related, purely speculation or SOMEONE'S OPINION.  Always consult with a qualified Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.



You are receiving this because you have at some time in the past inquired about this wonderful healing technique.  If you would prefer NOT to receive this info, please reply to this email with REMOVE in the subject line.

Thank you.




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