Do Any of These Symptoms Sound Familiar?
•Arthritis •Leaky Gut Syndrome
•Vaginal Discharge •Acne
•Respiratory and Sinus Infections •Impotence
•Gas or bloating •Hypoglycemia
•Menstrual Pain •Skin Lesions or Rashes
•Painful Sex or Sexual Dysfunction •Shortness of Breath
•Itching scalp, inside ears, or in skin creases •Learning and Memory Problems
• Eczema •Jumpy Legs
•Blurred Vision •Brain Fog
•Painful Urination or Other Urinary Disorders •Depression or Mood Swings
•Chronic Rashes •Tiredness or Fatigue
•Irritability •Joint Pain or Swelling
•PMS •Male Yeast Infection in folds of foreskin or urethra
•Feeling Run Down •Digestive Pain
•Short Attention Span •Hand Pain
•Hip and Knee Pain •Constant Headaches or Migraines
•Vaginal Odor •Premature Aging
• Ridges or yellow, thickened Toenails or Fingernails •Oral Yeast Infection (Oral Thrush)
•Food Allergies •Muscle Aches
All of these are signs of Candida Yeast Infection.
Candida affects 80% of all Americans, because of our high Carb diets.
It has some 300 different symptoms!
It can be very dangerous, if left untreated.
Candida Albicans is a fungus that, when overgrown and out of balance, can create a serious health issue. We all have Candida, because it grows in our intestines as part of our normal flora. We require 10% of the flora in our intestines to be a fungus to aid in our regular digestive process. It is not possible, nor is it desirable, to completely eliminate Candida, because it is a normal natural part of the flora in your intestine and it is necessary for digestion. However, we function best when only 10% of our intestinal environment consists of fungus. The real problem begins when the Candida overgrows, due in great part to the use of antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.
Antibiotics (Antibiotics: Anti = against and bio = Life Antibiotic means against life!) kill all bacteria, good and bad, indiscriminately. However, the job of some of the “good” bacteria is to eat and thus control the growth of fungus in our gut. When these good bacteria are killed by the antibiotics, there is no guard to prevent the overgrowth of the fungus.
Then, on top of knocking out our protection, Candida overgrowth is fostered and compounded by our American Diet, high in carbs, sugar and white flour. As the Candida rapidly multiplies, it moves up the intestine through your stomach, then into the esophagus, mouth and sinuses. It also moves down through the intestines, coming out at the anus and can also infect a woman’s vagina. In the vagina it will cause a bad smelling, greyish-white discharge and itching. Men are also susceptible to carrying Candida in the folds of their foreskin, which then can be passed to their sexual partner.
Candida can establish itself on skin, in scalp or in the ears. On the skin it can cause itchy, raw, sore spots where it finds folds or creases in the skin. In the hair it can cause flaking, like dandruff. In the ears, it will cause itching and sometimes a ringing or buzzing called tinnitus.
Doctors rarely diagnose Candida, because their main focus and that of their primary treatment – antibiotics -- is bacteria. Since Candida is a fungus, it is not the first thing that comes to their mind when dealing with a patient’s complaints. When they do diagnose Candida, they frequently recommend Nystatin or one of the other antifungals, which are known to be injurious to your kidneys, and are required by law to be disclosed as such in their contraindications material dispatched along with the medicine.
When Candida mutates from non-pathogenic to pathogenic form, it produces root-like structures called rhizoids, which penetrate the intestinal walls and create holes in the walls of the intestines. This condition is called Leaky Gut Syndrome. It enables the yeast, toxic waste, bacteria and undigested food to escape from the intestines and enter the blood stream causing many unpleasant and often dangerous conditions. When Candida becomes systemic through your leaky guy, it can virtually penetrate and manifest itself within every organ it settles in.
Candida yeast produces, as its waste product, more than 75 toxic substances that poison the human body. The two major toxins (Canditoxin and ethanol) have a negative effect on our brain and can significantly interfere with our biochemical processes. Note that Canditoxin and ethanol that are released into your blood stream are the SAME dangerous toxins that when injected into rats, had caused paralysis of the limbs and ultimately death.
In humans Canditoxin and ethanol cause a myriad of health problems: vaginal yeast infection, dry itchy skin, oral thrush, skin rashes, eczema, joint pain, stomach bloating, chronic diarrhea, arthritis, constipation, heartburn, blisters in the mouth, restless sleep, lack of energy, brain fog, chronic sinus problems, jumpy legs, headaches, blurred vision, mood swings, sugary food cravings, food allergies, jock and rectal itching, body chills, athlete's foot, to name just a few. And just a few years ago, yeast has been determined to be the cause and substance of Cancer.
I struggled with Candida for years without knowing what it was. Once I determined what my problem was, I spent over 5 years trying to “cure” it, with only minor successes at best. I tried everything I heard about or read about to control and kill it. At the height of my infection, I found that nearly everything humans eat contain nutrients or chemicals that FEED the yeast, including processed or fried meats. Meat normally does not feed the yeast, but it will if cooked improperly. Frying meats requires high temperatures, which will cause chemical changes in the meats, which then feeds the yeast. Boiling or baking presents fewer chemical changes and are thus better for your Candida diet.
Diet is important to Candida control, but diet alone isn’t the answer. Changing your diet to avoid simple carbs will certainly help to control Candida and we shouldn’t neglect a healthy diet rich in vegetables and lower in carbs, but almost everything we eat seems to contain something that feeds the yeast. The other half of the answer lies in elimination of the overgrowth of Candida.
Fortunately there are some easy remedies which are not harmful to your body and are very effective against Candida. They are not quick cures, but they are effective, inexpensive and you won’t run the risk of damaging your very important organs.
First thing in the morning, before you spit or swallow, gather a mouthful of saliva and spit it on to the top of a clear glass of cold water. For the next hour watch what happens. If the spittle lies on the top of the water in frothy bubbles, you have healthy saliva. If the saliva sinks toward the bottom of the glass in long, gray, root-like strings, that indicates a Candida problem. The faster this happens the heavier your load of Candida.
•Check your tongue in a mirror. Is it covered with a white or grayish coating? Your tongue should be pink.
•Does it have deep cracks or lines in it? There should be no cracks.
•Does your mouth frequently feel dry or hot or prickly? Again Candida.
•Do you get tiny, sore bumps on your tongue or gums? Blame Candida.
An EASY fix for oral or any topical Candida infection is ½ teaspoon of bleach in 1 cup of water. Mix well. Use as gargle morning and evening. Swish vigorously between your teeth, as well. Do not swallow bleach. A tiny bit won’t hurt you. Think of a chlorinated swimming pool. That has bleach in it, too. It isn’t good for you, so don’t swallow it, but if you accidently swallow a tiny bit, it won’t hurt you. Soak your toothbrush in the same solution, between brushings to kill any Candida which survives the brushing. Before gargling, scrape your tongue with a flat surface, such as a table knife, to get rid of as much of the white fuzzy Candida layer as possible. Brush your teeth and tongue with baking soda, not toothpaste. If you have infected gums or bleeding gums, this will also help.
Some also swear by a vinegar gargle. 1 Tablespoon of vinegar in a cup of water. I’ve also found a few drops of Yeast Ease swished and gargled to also be very effective. It is available from Jernigan Neutraceuticals . Yeast Ease is tested to kill the 5 main types of yeast on contact. It is more expensive, by far, than the vinegar or bleach solutions, and no more effective as far as I can determine. I offer it here as an alternative, if you wish one.
I dealt with a sinus infection for twenty years, believing I had allergies, not knowing that it was Candida. The absolute best discovery I made was Sinufix Nasal spray—not the pills, though they do help, too. It is available at your health food store or at, and will, over time, wipe out the yeast in your sinuses. It will not solve the systemic problem, but it will knock down the infection in your sinuses and allow you to breathe more freely. I found nothing else to compare with it for healing raw, congested sinuses and to promote clearer breathing.
For a vaginal douche that is very effective against Candida, use 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a pint of warm water. Flush through the vagina, lying down in your tub, so that gravity pulls the solution deep into the recesses of the vagina. Douche morning and evening for 5 days. That will control it nicely, at least until your next flare up, which inevitably comes, if you haven’t controlled the problem at the source…your colon.
The bleach solution can be dabbed on skin with a cotton ball several times a day and will kill Candida on contact. Then, before bedtime, apply Preparation H or a similar hemorrhoid medication to promote healing, if it is very raw and sore. Shark oil is the wonderful healing property in Preparation H that promotes healing. The bleach solution will kill the infection and the hemorrhoid cream will help your skin to heal. No more pain, itching or soreness! The Candida will break out again, if you haven’t controlled it systemically.
Soaking your fingers and toes 20 minutes per day in the bleach solution will be effective over time. Scrape debris from under the nail and then trim the nail as far back as is comfortable so that the liquid will penetrate as far into the nail and nail bed as possible. Soak your trimming utensils in this solution also to prevent reinfection. This process should continue for as long as it takes your nails to grow out. And you must also fight it internally. Soaking isn’t effective for the inside bed of the nails. This must be treated systemically with MMS, below.
The ONLY thing I’ve found that will clear out the internal Candida is Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS). When I tried to clear mine, I took every product on the health food store’s shelves that said it was for Candida or fungus. NOTHING worked. Then, I learned of MMS.
When I first began to take MMS for my Candida problem, I began with a small dose, just a few drops twice a day, and over a few weeks I built up to a dose of 23 drops twice a day. I’ve read of others who have built up to taking up to 65 drops twice a day. It did take several months, but I saw the evidence with my own eyes of the complete clearing of Candida from my stomach and intestines.
A new protocol has been developed by Jim Humble, the creator of MMS, which indicates the following to be effective: Take a few drops (6 to 10 -- or more as you build up to this dosage slowly over a couple of weeks) in the morning and then repeating that dose 1 hour later, then repeating those two doses again in 4 hours an hour a part, and again repeating that dosage 4 hours later, again an hour apart. Thus, one would take 6 doses per day, taking two doses each time but 1 hour apart, doing this 3 times a day. This puts the maximum amount of MMS into your system without causing your body to react to it, which it could, if you tried to take as much all at one time. The reaction is demonstrated by either vomiting or diarrhea and is caused by MMS killing so many pathogens (called die off) that your body can’t process them all at one time, so it eliminates it through vomiting or diarrhea instead of processing it through kidneys and liver. If this happens, he suggests backing off for a day or two by a few drops, and then beginning again at a reduced dosage and building up your dosage again. You can find more info from Mr. Humble at his website
MMS creates a stabilized gas which lasts up to 12 hours in your body. Oxygen is deadly to yeast, which requires an oxygen poor environment to thrive. Oxygen is beneficial to your body, and unlike antibiotics, doesn’t kill off the good flora in your system. It targets and eliminates all the bad-for-us pathogens, viruses, bacteria and fungi, because it kills only those pathogens which don’t match our body’s pH factor, which are all the things that make us sick, such as AIDS, CANCER, Malaria, Herpes, Colds, Flu, etc. None of these match our pH factor, so they do make us ill. MMS is Nature’s all-in-one perfect antibiotic.
There are other ways of getting oxygen into your system. Vitamin O (a brand name for liquid oxygen), baking soda and food grade hydrogen peroxide are all effective at introducing oxygen into your body, but the effect from these does not last long enough to actually be beneficial to us. Most of the oxygen dissipates within 20 minutes. Thus, they are not nearly as effective as MMS. MMS will last for up to 12 hours in your body. It dissipates as it kills, so it may be all worn out before the 12 hours, if it encounters lots of pathogens. It kills bad pathogens on contact as the gas it creates is picked up and transferred by the blood to every organ throughout your body, effectively eliminating yeast cells as it encounters them, as well as bacteria and viruses with which it comes in contact!
Another great benefit of MMS is that it helps detox your body from heavy metals, too! We all gather a load of mercury, zinc, aluminum, etc. over our lifetime, and these can cause Alzheimer’s, muddy thinking, reduced immune system efficiency, and more. Detoxing your body every 6 months or so is a good idea and easily done with MMS.
Watching your diet is the single most important factor in your quest to conquer Candida. Avoiding or severely limiting white flour and sugar is paramount. Both simple and complex carbs feed the candida, and many foods contain carbs, but white flour and sugar are like rocket fuel to Candida. The compound carbs found in vegetables are metabolized more slowly and while they will feed the candida, they are not as nearly as bad as sugary candies or ice cream or floury bakery goods. An excellent cook book called the “Coping with Candida Cookbook” by Dr. Sally Rockwell is available at many health food stores. It has some good recipes, but I really appreciate that it gives the carb value for most foods. While you are doing your internal cleanse from Candida, you will want to try to eat the lower carb foods. If you feed the Candida at the same time you are trying to eliminate it, you will be at this a LONG time. To enable your recovery, be sure to take a multi-strain probiotic to replace the flora which antibiotics have decimated.
Am I cured?
Never completely. Candida can regrow as you take more antibiotics or ingest more sugar, white flour and simple carbs. But, watch your diet and keep the MMS handy. You’ll never have to suffer again as you do now. Contact me to purchase or for more info.
Jan Slama
Vibrant Energy
Change your energy, change your life!
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