
Thursday, May 26, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Fw: GCF: Memorial Day 2011 (Serious, not humor)

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Thomas S. Ellsworth" <>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 21:06:21 -0700
Subject: GCF: Memorial Day 2011 (Serious, not humor)

Bruce Chesley
Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. - Thomas Paine
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws - Tacitus
Treason for $$$$.  ALL "pro 2A" orgs.

This wasn't sent to me by another person or list, nor was it found
posted elsewhere. It's just a few thoughts about a holiday which is
special to me. It's one of those few times when I share something
serious instead of humorous. -Tom

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GCF: Memorial Day 2011

The joke for today has been sent. I want to be serious for a moment
and talk about the holiday which will be celebrated here in the
United States on Monday.

Memorial Day is on the last Monday in May and honors those men and
women who lost their lives serving their country. What we celebrate
as Memorial Day today, began at the end of the Civil War. Family
members of the many soldiers slain in battle would visit the grave
sites of their fallen relatives or friends and decorate the graves
with flowers.

On May 5, 1868, General John Logan proclaimed this day a holiday
through his General Order No. 11. The day was entitled Decoration Day
and was first observed on May 30, 1868. The northern states
celebrated this day every year, but the southern states celebrated a
day similar to this on a different day until sometime after World War I.

In 1882, the name Decoration day was changed to Memorial Day, and in
1971, Memorial Day was declared a national holiday to be held on the
last Monday of May every year. Over the years it has come to serve as
a day to remember all U.S. men and women killed or missing in action
in all wars.

I am truly grateful for the freedoms which we enjoy today. Too often,
we take these gifts for granted, little realizing the sacrifice which
was involved in ensuring that these freedoms continue to be a part of
all of our lives. Be honest, how many of us think of Memorial Day as
just another chance for a three-day weekend? A chance to go the lakes
or beaches or mountains? A trip to Disneyland or Six Flags or some
other amusement park?

If you are here in the United States, please remember to display the
flag, not just for the day but for the whole weekend. Let's not
forget the real reason for having this holiday. The quote below says
it all. Please take the time to read it.

Take care everyone.

(HM2, USN 65-69)


"It is, in a way, an odd thing to honor those who died in defense of
our country in wars far away. The imagination plays a trick. We see
these soldiers in our mind as old and wise. We see them as something
like the Founding Fathers, grave and gray-haired. But most of them
were boys when they died, they gave up two lives -- the one they were
living and the one they would have lived. When they died, they gave
up their chance to be husbands and fathers and grandfathers. They
gave up their chance to be revered old men. They gave up everything
for their county, for us. All we can do is remember."

-- Ronald Wilson Reagan
Remarks at Veteran's Day ceremony, Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington, Virginia, November 11, 1985


I want to let you know about TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors).

TAPS is a 24/7 tragedy assistance resource for ANYONE who has
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men and women. TAPS provides comfort and care through comprehensive
services and programs including peer based emotional support, case
work assistance, crisis intervention, and grief and trauma resources.

Caring for the families of the fallen...


A final thought.....

Over the years the meaning of Memorial Day has faded too much from
the public consciousness. From a solemn day of mourning, remembrance,
and honor to the men and women who died in providing the freedoms we
enjoy, it has been reduced to a weekend of BBQ's, shopping bargains
and beaches where only token nods toward our honored dead is given,
if at all. Too many don't know what the day stands for.

Thanksgiving is a day when we pause to give thanks for the things we have.

Memorial Day is a day when we pause to give thanks to the people who
fought for the things we have.

So, let's not forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice. They are
remembered in all our prayers. Also, let's not forget a prayer for
the safety of all service men and women, whether they serve at home
or overseas. Finally, a heartfelt Semper Fi from this Hospital
Corpsman is sent to all the Marines I knew. -Tom

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