This information is generalized and not intended as specific medical advice. Consult your healthcare professional before taking or discontinuing any drug or commencing any course of treatment.
Medical warning:
Severe. These medicines may interact and cause very harmful effects and are usually not taken together. Contact your healthcare professional (e.g. doctor or pharmacist) for more information.
How the interaction occurs:
Dimercaprol may bind to iron.
What might happen:
The complex of dimercaprol and iron is toxic and may harm your kidneys.
What you should do about this interaction:
Let your healthcare professionals (e.g. doctor or pharmacist) know right away that you are taking these medicines together. Your doctor may tell you to stop taking iron while you are taking dimercaprol. Your doctor may want to test your kidney function.Your healthcare professionals may already be aware of this interaction and may be monitoring you for it. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicine before checking with them first.Reference:1.BAL in oil (dimercaprol) US prescribing information. Akorn April, 2007.
MSG In Baby Food -
It Doesn't Get Any
Worse Than This
By Michael Goodspeed <gspeed@teleport.com> http://www.geocities.com/michael_goodspeed/Forbidden_Truth.html
- In the second half of the twentieth-century, the United States of America experienced a dramatic, unprecedented increase in neurologic and psychiatric illness among its young people. Serious brain disorders such as schizophrenia, manic depression, bipolar, anorexia, and attention-deficit disorder are now common problems for pediatricians to encounter. When one attempts to decipher the causal factors behind this crisis, an inexorable conclusion is reached by the objective researcher: the preponderance of processed food in the American diet is doing irreparable harm to the bodies and minds of young people. From the day they are born, American children are bombarded with a steady dosage of highly toxic chemicals in their food and drink. Most breakfast cereals, microwavable dinners, chips and other snacks, soft drinks, candies, ice creams and other desserts are laden with toxins that most people wouldn't give their pets or houseplants. It's an unfortunate fact that the FDA refuses to ban our even require proper labeling for these chemicals. Even more unfortunate is the early age at which US children are being exposed to numerous harmful substances. One would think that even an agency as financially and morally corrupt as the FDA would have a finite limit to its lecherousy, but that imaginary "envelope" gets pushed harder with each passing year. Even those of you who have grown jaded with the accumulating data suggesting FDA corruption will be appalled to know that MSG and aspartic acid have been found, in alarming quantities, in baby food and infant formula. If you are the parent of an infant, or no someone who is, please take note of the following information, posted on http://www.truthinlabeling.org on January 8, 2000. Important facts about common baby products follows:
- And IN BAD TASTE: MSG Symptom Complex - Newly Revised by George R.
- Schwartz, MD
- .
- Test results in milligrams per 100 milliliters (mL)
- Aspartic Glutamic
- Acid Acid
- Carnation Good
- Start .095 .261
- Enfalac Iron
- Fortified .064 1.327
- Enfalac Nutramigen
- Hypoallergenic 18.717 100.880
- Isomil Soy Formula .132 .084
- Similac Lactose
- Free .021 .024
- Test results converted to milligrams per ounce (oz.)
- Aspartic Glutamic
- Acid Acid
- Carnation Good
- Start .028 .077
- Enfalac Iron
- Fortified .019 .390
- Enfalac Nutramigen
- Hypoallergenic 5.505 29.671
- Isomil Soy Formula .039 .025
- Similac Lactose
- Free .006 .007
- In a brochure for their Enfalac formula line, Mead Johnson Nutritionals stated that infant formula requirements are as follows:
- 1 week old infant -- 6 to10 bottles of 60 to120 mL (2 to 4 oz.) formula
- 3 month old infant -- 4 to 5 bottles of 180 to 240 mL (6 to 8 oz.)
- formula
- Taking an average of the formula requirements given by Mead Johnson Nutritionals we find that the average requirements would be:
- 1 week old infant -- 8 bottles of 90 mL (3 oz.) formula = 720 mL (24
- oz.) formula
- 3 month old infant -- 4.5 bottles of 210 mL (7 oz.) formula = 945 mL
- (31.5 oz.) formula
- Therefore, amounts of neurotoxic glutamic acid and neurotoxic aspartic acid ingested daily by an average infant on each of the analyzed formulas would be as follows:
- Grams of aspartic acid and glutamic acid ingested daily by an average 1
- week old infant
- Aspartic Glutamic Total
- Acid Acid
- Carnation Good
- Start .000684 .001879
- .002563
- Enfalac Iron
- Fortified .000461 .009554
- .010015
- Enfalac
- Nutramigen .134762 .726336
- .861098
- Hypoallergenic
- Isomil Soy
- Formula .000950 .000605
- .001555
- Similac Lactose
- Free .000151 .000173
- .000324
- Figures are based on original test results found in Table 1.
- Grams of aspartic acid and glutamic acid ingested daily by an average 3
- month old infant
- Aspartic Glutamic Total
- Acid Acid
- Carnation Good
- Start .000898 .002466
- .003364
- Enfalac Iron
- Fortified .000605 .012540
- .013145
- Enfalac
- Nutramigen .176876 .953316
- 1.130192
- Hypoallergenic
- Isomil Soy
- Formula .001247 .000794
- .002041
- Similac Lactose
- Free .000198 .000227
- .000425
- Figures are based on original test results found in Table 1.
- Given the vulnerability of the developing brain in infancy, one can't help but wonder if children are being permanently impaired by early exposure to the chemicals listed above. Obviously, food products which contain MSG and aspartic acid should carry with them labels alerting consumers. But many companies have learned to disguise MSG by inventing new names to hide it under. Did you know that the hot chocolate your child drank with breakfast this morning, which contains sodium caseinate, carrageenan, and partially hydrogenated vegetable oil (all forms of MSG), is a neurotoxin? The same can be said for the microwaveable pizza they had for lunch (hyrdolyzed soy protein), the potato chips they ate for a snack (monosodium glutinate), the fried chicken they had for dinner (beef stock, hydrolyzed vegetable protein), and the ice cream they ate for dessert (carrageenan).
- In reality, virtually ALL processed foods on the market contains varying amounts of MSG, including products that SPECIFICALLY read NO MSG. Why are no members of the national news core conducting ANY investigation into this outrage? Has their objectivity been compromised by the millions of dollars in advertising revenue they receive from the guilty parties in this case? Why are so few elected officials voicing suspicion about the conduct of the FDA? Why are so many members of government regulatory agencies also former employees of Monsanto? How many problems of depression, sickness, crime, and insanity are at least partly attributable to the American diet? How much farther must our collective health sink before a SINGLE "respected" journalist will dare to ask these questions? It's truly sad that in 2000 America, people must be ferociously diligent when making nutritional choices for themselves and their families. Eating what you "feel like" or what is convenient is no longer an option, and infants are obviously unable to make health choices for themselves. Since we can't rely on our elected, unelected, and universally unaccountable officials to do the right thing, we must empower ourselves to protect our children and ourselves.
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