Are you considering Alternative High Blood Pressure Treatment?
"Returning to natural remedies seems to be the trend. Be inspired by the alternative high blood pressure treatments mentioned here"
Sufferers looking for alternative high blood pressure treatment, often overlook a wealth of information that can be found on herbs, vitamins and minerals, three branches of nutrition that are used in combination with each other and used by practitioners of homeopathy, reflexology, herbal medicine, acupuncture, etc, etc.
To help you, I will discuss briefly in this article the methods and benefits of each of the following subjects:
Surprisingly, western medicine as we know it didn’t make full impact until the end of the 20th century. Now a new trend is developing as more and more people are looking for alternative ways to restore health or keep healthy.So let’s trace back in time and mention some of the herbal medicine used for blood pressure hundreds of years before this Common Era.
Herbs for instance, have been used to treat illness effectively for thousands of years by non-industrialized societies of all continents, but as western medicine from the Greek and Roman traditions developed it then dominated herbal medicine practices. Also others dominated the world scene such as Ayurvedic from India, and Chinese herbal medicine.
Some pharmaceuticals that are available to Western physicians in our present era have a long history of use as herbal remedies, such as opium, aspirin (used as an alternative high blood pressure treatment), digitalis, and quinine./
Rauwolfia Serpentina, extensively used in India for sleeplessness, anxiety, and high blood pressure was the first proven allopathic medicine for high blood pressure extracted from this herb.
Today there are many health claims made about the use of herbs. Our main interest though are those that we can use as an alternative high blood pressure treatment.
Take for interest Noni juice ,used as an alternative high blood pressure treatment. It is also known as Nono in Tahiti, Indian Mulberry in India, Cheesefruit in Australia, Painkiller tree in the Caribbean. These are just some of the names. A traditional Hawaiian treatment for high blood pressure, heart trouble as well as diabetes was to dilute noni juice with water and drink before meals and resting periods. The stem and leaves were also used to lower high blood pressure.
Those of you who are familiar with the Hindu Sanskrit (Holy book) may have come across Coleus, used in Ayurvedic medicine mentioned above. Forskolin, an ingredient of Coleus activates an enzyme in the body that stimulates hormone activity, resulting in the dilation of blood vessels. Take note though that it is not known if taking Coleus orally can produce the same results.
As another alternative high blood pressure treatment, Hawthorn is thought to be good for the heart and blood vessels. These include improved coronary artery blood flow and strengthening of the contractions of the heart muscle. Improve circulation to smaller vessels by lowering the resistance to blood flow in larger blood vessels. It makes and excellent anti-oxidant. It may mildly lower blood pressure in some people with high blood pressure.
The Olive tree was noted for its therapeutic properties centuries ago, but for sicknesses other than high blood pressure. Now in modern times it has been discovered that olive leaves have something called oleuropein in them. A test was carried out on animals injected with this chemical which decreased their blood pressure. Do animals suffer from high blood pressure too? Just a passing thought! Anyway it was found to reduce their systolic and diastolic pressure as well as dilate the coronary arteries around the heart. Sounds good to me but we don’t know yet what effects it will have on humans. There are no known drug interactions but do not take on an empty stomach or it could cause irritation to the stomach lining. No harm in giving it a go!
Reishi , an oriental mushroom has proven useful as an alternative high blood pressure treatment.But where one could obtain it I don’t have any information as yet. It was discovered through two controlled clinical trials that reishi lowered high blood pressure significantly. In one of the trials people with hypertension had not responded previously to medication. Reishi needs to be considered with caution and as an alternative high blood pressure treatment, a consultation with your GP is the wise course. It has mild side effects and interacts with anticoagulant drugs.Vitamins should be on our list as an alternative high blood pressure treatment. Everyone is aware of the important role vitamins play in maintaining healthy bodily organs and systems.
When we have a cold we are encouraged to take plenty vitamin c and zinc to help us recover.
What are vitamins; why are they so important and how do they work?
The trend today is to go natural. Buy fresh fruit and vegetables that contain vitamins that we particularly need, in addition, a visit to the health shop for vitamin supplements to try and boost our immune system. The question is, can vitamins serve as an alternative high blood pressure treatment?
Coenzyme Q10 is an organic compound which plays a major role in manufacturing energy from food. It is also a powerful anti-oxidant which may reduce your high blood pressure significantly in a short period of a few months of use. It is a vital and necessary component in every cell of the body, which the body produces in abundance but in later years its ability to do so is greatly reduced.
A note of caution: CO Q10 shares a common biosynthetic pathway as cholesterol so if you are taking beta blockers for lowering your high blood pressure, or Statins a cholesterol lowering drug, they will interfere with the function of this important coenzyme. This information should be considered before making the choice to take statins. Coq10 is an effective, alternative high blood pressure treatment that is vital to heart and cardiovascular health.
Omega-3 fish oils. Most people have heard now about essential fatty acids being part of a healthy diet. US TODAY 1/2/2007 wrote an article on Omega 3. They said that The American Heart Association and the Food and Drug Administration give omega-3 a thumbs-up.
Not all nutritionists, however, encourage consuming it as an additive rather than in foods such as salmon, where it is found naturally. "It isn't good nutrition to cram a lot of ingredients into a single food," says registered dietician Robyn Flipse. The article also added that Food marketers' primary target is the 79 million baby boomers, because omega-3 has been shown to cut risks of heart disease and maybe other diseases, including Alzheimer's. Four in 10 adults are seeking more omega-3s in their diets, according to HealthFocus USA Trend Survey.
Vitamin D
If you are taking cholesterol-lowering drugs you may need to supplement with vitamin D, but consult with your doctor or healthcare practitioner first. Although it can be manufactured by absorbing sunlight through the skin, don’t think you will be doing yourself some good by overexposure, that will not produce enough. Vitamin D is not an alternative high blood pressure treatment but it can be affected by taking the above mentioned prescribed drugs. It can also cause high blood pressure if taken in excess because the body stores it in the fat, so take heed!
AntioxidantsPresuming you have heard of antioxidants, vitamin C is known as such, although today more powerful antioxidants that have been discovered, such as Grape Seed extract, White & Maritime Pine Bark extracts, documented as boosting the effects of vitamin C, and Turmeric extract. What do antioxidants do? They mop up or make stable free radicals, known also as oxidants in our systems.
Look at an apple half after cutting it and you will see this damaging process in action. It starts to turn brown. This is evidence of cells being destroyed by free radicals. If you rub the other half of the apple with juice from a lemon, containing vitamin C, it won’t turn brown because the antioxidants stabilize the free radical. As an alternative high blood pressure treatment, vitamin C has the ability to act as a free radical scavenger in the arteries and heart muscle which has been shown to reduce blood pressure.
Watch for an update on the more powerful antioxidants.
MINERALSMinerals, unlike vitamins are not widely considered by the public in the quest for good health, yet they are just as important if not more that vitamins. So learning about how the body uses them will help you to know what can be taken as an alternative high blood pressure treatment.
Potassium is a known blood pressure lowering mineral. If you are not taking potassium-sparing diuretics then supplementation is a must. Diuretics rob the body of potassium which is vital for every cell. Potassium is classed as a macro mineral. Although it is only 1/3 of 1 percent of essential minerals the body needs, in comparison, its percentage is more than those essential minerals such as iron and copper. Because the body does not store potassium, it is important that potassium rich foods are incorporated daily into the diet. When there is low amounts of potassium in the cell it changes it’s acid-alkali balance causing a toxic environment (See my page on Body pH Balance ), that can cause death in serious cases. Potassium’s main source is from fruit such as bananas, oranges, peaches and prunes. It is also found in some meats and codfish.
Magnesium seems more effective in lowering blood pressure in people taking potassium depleting diuretics, but then again potassium depleting diuretics also deplete magnesium, hence this could be the cause of the favourable results with this group. Not so high on our list as an alternative high blood pressure treatment.
Adult Stem Cells Yes! I did say adult stem cells, not embryonic stem cells, a new frontier in tissue regeneration.
Much current research on stem cells involves embryonic stem cells, which are derived from human embryos, causing controversies and repulsion. Adult stem cells, by contrast, can be obtained without destroying an embryo. A new frontier indeed!
How exactly do adult stem cells serve as a alternative high blood pressure treatment? Researchers claim that stem cells activated and released from bone marrow may regenerate and repair damaged tissue.
High blood pressure is just one of the diseases this therapy addresses.
Music Therapy has been proven to help lower high blood pressure. But what may be noteworthy, is that it might not matter what music you listen too. As long as you like it and pause it a few times.
The Ideal Breathing Rate may significantly reduce your blood pressure without medication. This device has been approved by leading Hypertension Societies and well worth a try.
This breathing technique is revolutionary and gaining favour in the alternative health field. It is based on breathing correctly through the nose, not the mouth to reserve and balance carbon dioxide levels in the blood and organs. If the right balance of this once thought, toxic gas is not met, it can trigger a whole range of diseases one would never think of, including high blood pressure.
Dr. Buteyko, a Russian professor, discovered and developed this breathing technique for respiratory ailments such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema, but the therapy also serves as an alternative high blood pressure treatment and treats over 100 other diseases and complaints, as most diseases are linked in some way to each other.
Therapy includes breathing exercises, diet, sleeping habits and exercise for young and old alike. In fact, those of us in good health who want to maintain it, this therapy is a “breath of fresh air”.
Speaking of toxins, are you aware that your colon can build up a plaque that can cause general ill health when toxins enter into the blood stream? It also results in poor absorption of Minerals and nutrients that we need to maintain normal blood pressure levels, and puts extra strain on the liver which really needs to function well with the many tasks it has to perform in the body. People are reaping the benefits of a colon cleanse.....
Hot TubsHot tubs or hydrothermal spas are a fantastic therapy that gets too little recognition for helping to bring down high blood pressure. And what a lovely way to do it! Did you know that a session in the spa has the same benefits as a ride out on your bike or a brisk walk in the park?
Read about Lynn`s experience as she relates how alternative high blood pressure treatment really does work.
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