
Friday, November 5, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] New Scientist Jun 16, 1977 - saccharin deaths due to bladder cancer

  1. New Scientist - Jun 16, 1977 - Google Books Result

    Vol. 74, No. 1056 - 64 pages - Magazine
    On the basis of the calculated individual risks, saccharin could cause roughly 50-300 extradeaths annually due to bladder cancer in the US alone. ... - More book results »
  2. Estimates of the risk of bladder tumor promotion by saccharin in ...

    by DW Gaylor - 1988 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
    If a threshold dose exists for saccharin bladder tumor promotion which is above ... of deathsdue to bladder cancer in the U.S. population, 0.005, and 1.0. ...
  3. Saccharin: technical assessment of risks and benefits - Google Books Result

    Committee for a Study on Saccharin and Food Safety Policy (U.S.), Assembly of Life Sciences (U.S.) - 1978 - Law
    ... be a greater frequency of diabetes mentioned among bladder cancer deaths than among other cancers because diabetics used a larger amount of saccharin. ...

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