
Saturday, November 6, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Medication Recalls: saccharin may cause serious adverse effects and/or death.

Medication Recalls:

1. Midazolam: within this medication, a dangerous drug precipation with saccharin may cause serious adverse effects and/or death. 
From Roche Laboratories:          March 1, 2002 
"Dear Health Care Professional:

Roche Laboratories is conducting a voluntary drug recall of VERSED Syrup, 188 mL (2 mg/mL) bottle, Lots U009-50 and U0010-50, which you may have received on or after December 27, 2001.

VERSED is indicated for use in pediatric patients [children] for sedation, anxiolysis and amnesia [to cause memory loss] prior to diagnostic, therapeutic or endoscopic procedures or before induction [administration] of anesthesia.

Roche is taking this action because of the potential presence of a crystalline precipitate of an insoluble complex of midazolam [the medication] and saccharin [a known cancer-causing artificial sweetener] inside the bottle.  The presence of this precipitate causes a lack of uniformity in the product and may result in the administration of a super [too high] or sub-potent [too low] dose.  The administration of a variable dose of VERSED Syrup may result in adverse consequences.  Due to this possibility we are designating this as a Class I recall.  A Class I recall is defined as a situation in which there is a reasonable probability that the use of or exposure to a violative product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death..."

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