
Saturday, November 6, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] GULF DISASTER CONTINUES: You might want to read this before you buy any fish that came from the Gulf of Mexico!..

The Government-Corporate Propaganda Machine ie: the "main stream news" is keeping all this hushed up. You might want to read this before you buy any fish that came from the Gulf of Mexico!...that is....if you want to stay healthy!
Main Page:
  • Navy suspended exercises over Gulf after consulting with doctor about how "bad" the situation is in the water (VIDEO)

  • Fish organs are NOT the same color as they used to be, says BP/P2S worker — "You cut them open and they're not the same" (VIDEO) (534)

  • Reporter: Growing number of people with health problems along Gulf — "It's chemical poisoning" (VIDEO) (408)

  • Chemist: Chemicals from dispersed oil "coming down as rain" (98)

  • "They are dying" says registered nurse working in Florida — I'm seeing "people who have been chemically poisoned" (89)

  • Chemist: Women more at risk — "Bleeding from their vagina and anus. Small kids are bleeding from their ears. This stuff is busting red blood cells" (80)

  • Feds' press release says NOAA, FDA now testing for dispersant: Corexit ingredient DOSS found in 13 samples — Up to 500 ppm allowed in shrimp, crabs, oysters (65)

  • Valdez Toxicologist: "People are dropping dead now" — "I don't think we'll have to wait years to see the effects like we did in Alaska" (60)


  • Feds' press release says NOAA, FDA now testing for dispersant: Corexit ingredient DOSS found in 13 samples -- Up to 500 ppm allowed in shrimp, crabs, oysters 5:55 pm

  • Fish organs are NOT the same color as they used to be, says BP/P2S worker -- "You cut them open and they're not the same" (VIDEO) 4:22 pm

  • Surfers ill from trip in mid-September — Large swell brings cocktail of "oil and dispersant to the surface" 2:33 pm

  • Scientists report "NEW plume of oil" with "millions of specks of reddish-brown oil in it" 1:14 pm


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