
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] BP Still mining the Gulf of Mexico for METHANE HYDRATE creating a dead zone


Methane Hydrate & BP?

From an unnamed source:

"BP is METHANE HYDRATE MINING in the Gulf of Mexico. Methane Hydrate is explosive. Methane Hydrate Crystals can resemble smoking lava rocks...if they land on anything, they can burn...extremely flammable. bp is mining the Gulf of Mexico sea floor. During mining they strip the floor and create dead zones to all sea life, coral life. Methane also sucks the oxygen out of the water...perhaps reason for all of the fish kills washing ashore. Large Methane measures can also sink boats/ships. bp is not only doing their methane hydrate mining in the Gulf of Mexico but up and down East Coast of US and all over the world. Possible reason for bp spraying millions of gallons of corexit and other chemicals over the Gulf of Mexico is to keep the "fire explosion possibility" low. METHANE HYDRATE is the "new" energy source. bp and gov't has not been telling us the truth. Plz spread the word and study "Methane Hydrate". PEACE"

From: Steve Calkins <>
Sent: Wed, November 3, 2010 1:03:01 PM
Subject: Re: Multi-D News Re: VID: 'Line of death' 35 feet below Gulf of Mexico still up today 10/16/10

Thanks antakarana!,
    I finally got to watch the video, (after all this time), and it is not surprising, what it shows.
    It is also disheartening, that in the AP story, so much is done to discount the effects that are likely caused by the oil spill and dispersants, (saying instead, that they could be caused by: recent tropical storms, warm water from the Mississippi, etc.) That is just so much coverup of the reality of the destruction caused by the oil and dispersants. 
    As I said earlier, the fact that Halliburton bought the oil clean-up company a week BEFORE the 'accident', and Goldman Sachs sold 2/3rds of their BP stock a month BEFORE the incident, causes suspicion that this was not an accident. (The elite are genocidal in their approaches to humanity. They believe they have the right to kill to (supposedly) 'protect the planet,' but in truth they are just greedy bast*ards, that want to control everything, and they are willing to DESTROY the planet to get it. What a bunch of lying hypocrites. 
    BP and Halliburton are criminal corporations that have been raping the planet for decades, and they need to be investigated and prosecutions and jail sentences need to happen, or this kind of thing will just go on and on.
    Will it happen? 
    Not unless decent people get involved, in sufficient numbers. Much Love, Steve

On Oct 16, 2010, at 12:30 PM, wrote:

Try this link:

It's there.

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