We have learnt different stories of the great thimerosal cover-up: Mercury, vaccines, autism and the child's health. Thimerosal is the preservative of choice for vaccine manufacturers. it contains 49.6 percent mercury by weight and is metabolized or degraded into ethylmercury and thiosalicylate. Mercury, or more precisely, ethylmercury, is the principle agent that kills contaminants. Unfortunately, mercury also kills much more than that. "It's not "weakened flu viruses" that vaccine manufacturer claim they put into the vaccines. A weakened flu virus doesn't send children into convulsions. Only a chemical can do that. The chemical in question is one that's routinely added to most vaccines as a way to aggravate the immune system to respond to the presence of the weakened virus. It's called an "adjuvant" and consists of a highly inflammatory chemical that we now know may damage brain tissues and the nervous system. It is this adjuvant that most likely caused the convulsions in children". Thank you very much. With warm personal regards, Nikhil Dr. Surender N. Gupta, MBBS; PGDHHM;PGDMCH;PGCHFWM; FAIMS;FIMS;MA (Phil);MAE (Epidemiology) Faculty, Regional Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, CHHEB, Kangra-Himachal Pradesh, India. Pin-176001. 01892-265472 (Fax); 01892-263472 (Office) Mobile: 094181-28634. |
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