
Thursday, October 28, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] MMR Vaccine kills 40 children - What doctors dont tell you

What                                   Doctors Don't Tell You

e-news broadcast. October 28, 2010. No. 709


40 UK children killed by MMR - and the true picture could be 10 times worse

Forty children have died after a routine vaccination such as MMR and 2,100 more have suffered a serious reaction, UK health authorities have been forced to disclose this week - and these figures are just the tip of the iceberg.

To read the rest of the article, please follow this link.


Household cleaning products contain 'secret' cancer-causing chemicals

Laundry and cleaning products are likely to contain cancer-causing chemicals that manufacturers do not have to list on the box or carton.

To read the rest of the article, please follow this link.


Whole grains lower risk of diabetes, heart disease

It's not how much you eat - it's what you eat that determines whether you will be overweight.  This simple truism has been emphasised this week by the discovery that processed grains - such as white bread and rice - put on the pounds, whereas whole grain versions of the same foods don't.

To read the rest of the article, please follow this link.


Bone shaking stops fractures in the elderly

An old exercise method - dating back around 200 years - can stop us losing bone density as we age, researchers have discovered this week.

To read the rest of the article, please follow this link.


The swine flu pandemic that wasn't kills 70, not 750,000

Our health officials still insist on describing the swine flu (H1N1) as a pandemic - even though the UK's health supremo admitted this week that just 70 people died from the infection, forgetting that he had predicted 750,000 deaths.

To read the rest of the article, please follow this link.

More powerful than drugs

 Our mind - our thoughts and feelings - really can be more powerful than a drug, even when it comes to serious diseases such as cancer. The latest Special report from What Doctors Don't Tell You - A mind to heal - uncovers the very latest research that demonstrates just how our mind can combat disease. It covers all the mind-over-matter research, and it also includes studies on prayer, the placebo effect - and even a new theory that suggests why it is that our thoughts can beat disease.

To find out more about this latest research - which is featured in the very latest issue of WDDTY - watch publisher Bryan Hubbard explain the background to the story.

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