Vibrant Energy
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August 12, 2010
Are the stresses of daily life getting you down?
Family pressures got you on the ropes?
Financial worries choking the life out of you?
Suffering with chronic pain?
Stop the stress! Feel FREE again!
Hi Friends,
The lazy days of summer are upon us. We enjoy the freedom of vacations and spending time with our families as we go on a trip or have a weekend outing. Steamy summer days provide a wonderful excuse to enjoy the cooling waters of the local lake or river. It can be such a rejuvenating time for family relationships and for creating memories.
Yet, so many of us have such damaged relationships that even such pleasurable outings can be difficult. Years of living with a spouse and suffering through the little and large annoyances that come with sharing a space with another can be corrosive to even a once thriving relationship. We must constantly find a way to balance our needs with theirs, our wants and desires with theirs, our time and its constraints with theirs. And that burden, it may seem to us, becomes harder to bear with each passing year. It is a constant juggling act, which seems to demand that we carry the biggest share of the burden for the relationship’s continuance. Frequently it becomes more than we want to bear, and we begin to wonder about our future with this person.
We begin to ask ourselves questions. ‘Do I really have it in me to live like this for the next 20 or 30 years?” “Do I really want to?” “Do I even love him/her anymore?”
But, those are absolutely the wrong questions to be asking. Those questions lead only to dissatisfaction and divorce.
A better question is: Is my spouse basically a good person? A person of low or bad character isn’t worth the effort. No matter how hard you try to salvage the relationship, you’ll have nothing but more grief, even if you do succeed. Character is a matter of choice. Choosing the right way or the good way leads to good character. Coping mechanisms such as gambling, drinking, etc. can be overcome by making good choices, even if, at this point, neither you nor they know what the choices are. It is a matter of willingness and desire to be a better person.
The next question is: Is there anything I can do to make my spouse feel better about being in this relationship with ME? You’ll be amazed at the change you’ll see in your spouse, when YOU change your behavior. If you are constantly pushing each other’s buttons and creating strife and unhappiness, no one wins and both suffer. Wouldn’t you LOVE it, if that would cease? Wouldn’t you be thrilled to create love and peace in your home?
There is a very simple way to make this happen.
It begins with changing your own energy. Your brain controls all, and your brain creates your energy. By changing the way your brain processes info from and reacts to your spouse, you can completely change your feelings, thus your actions, towards him/her. When you change what you are doing and saying, your spouse is confronted with a totally different person, and their old actions/reactions no longer come into play. They no longer RE-act. They are allowed, then, to act according to the new situation you present to them. Peace can be restored and love can thrive.
This happens over and over again.
I can show you how to change your energy so you think differently, act differently and FEEL differently about the one you’ve pledged your life and love to. And when you think and act differently, miraculously, you CAN feel the love again! And because of the changes in you, your spouse no longer resorts to the attitudes and behaviors they’ve been demonstrating, and which are making you crazy!
Justin came to me, so very upset with his wife that he was planning his divorce. He was just sick to the point of exhaustion from dealing with her. He told me how far they had drifted apart.
Both were good people. They had raised their children, created a business and built a home, but years of the little niggling offences and insults of the marriage and constant bickering had eroded the love and attraction they once shared. He felt like they were continually at odds over nearly everything.
We began to work on some of the feelings associated with the relationship and changed the energy surrounding those. We worked on the resentment and anger and disappointments. We worked on forgiving her and erasing his feelings of revenge. (Unforgiveness creates revenge. Revenge seeks to punish. Punishment creates resentment in the punished, then anger and unforgiveness. Thus we perpetuate that which we don’t want!) Before the hour was up, huge changes in his attitude were evident. He could see his wife as a good person who lived in a tug of war relationship with him and be could even see one or two things he might be doing to sabotage her feelings and his peace! The lesson ended with him agreeing to use the technique on 3 issues per day until our next meeting.
A week later, he came in whistling smiling. He was so pleased to be married to such a wonderful woman. Oh, their problems weren’t all resolved! They still found reasons to disagree and occasions to be upset, but his attitude was 180 degrees different! He loved her and wanted to keep the marriage intact. He could see improvement in it and in her behavior, because of the changes in his energy. He forgot all about the plans to move out, and instead concentrated on the energy he could change in himself to allow her to feel the feelings of love she still had for him. He was well on his way to restoring a loving relationship!
Changing his own energy allowed him to behave in the new way, and because as we adjusted his energy, he WANTED those changes. It wasn’t difficult or stressful for him to make those changes, because his energy was in alignment with his new desire to have a loving relationship again.
If you could enjoy the love feelings you once had for your partner, wouldn’t that make a huge difference in how you treat them now? Do you think he/she might react differently, if presented with different attitudes and emotions?
It is entirely possible for you to restore those feelings! I can’t say it strongly enough!
Change your energy, change your life!
Does it happen overnight? No, change comes rapidly as you can see above, but it takes living and changing your energy and allowing them to change theirs. But what’s the alternative? Nothing will get better by itself, and your future is assured if you continue on the same downward path.
Don’t continue to suffer with your life the way it is. Let me teach you how to change your energy.
Check out my web page. Read the testimonies and the blog. ANYTHING is possible, when you learn how to change your energy.
Love and blessings,
Please check our web page for the newest in energy products! For a limited time we are offering a FREE scalar energy card. Get yours now, while the supply lasts!
STANDING OFFER: 3 FREE lessons. We owe our wonderful men and women who are now serving or have ever served in the military a huge debt of gratitude. If you are suffering from Post Traumatic stress, Gulf War Syndrome or similar military duty related maladies, injuries or injection reactions, or you suspect that these are the problems, I want to help you be totally FREE of those debilitating issues. Just mention that you are serving or have served. Let me show you how to quiet and relax your jangled nerves! This offer includes military spouses and their children living in their home.
You’ll be surprised at the peace this simple energy healing technique can bring,
and you can learn to do it for yourself, anytime, anywhere, in just a few minutes.
So simple a child can (and has!) used it effectively.
Please don’t give up hope. Don’t give in to the “Why Bother” syndrome! The stresses in your life can be dismissed in a few minutes.
Why struggle day after day with the same old problems, which only cause stress and worry and fear -- which wrecks havoc with your heart and blood pressure, when with just a few minutes with this technique can bring you results beyond imagining! WAY better and so much faster than Yoga or Hypnosis or Acupuncture or any of the conventional therapies. Much simpler. Pain FREE. And with lasting results.
This simple energy healing technique involves no drugs or supplements, no counseling, no painful rehashing of traumatic past events, no forcing yourself to “be brave and face your fears!”
Yet, it has consistently demonstrated that it can bring personal peace to those suffering from stress and anxiety, depression, fears and phobias, and even chronic pain! Results are, across the board, impressive and highly rewarding to the sufferers of these debilitating problems.
Check out the web page and then call me or email me for your appointment. You can use every day of your life to relax your stressors and calm your brain and body.
Life can be joyous again!
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Thank you.
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