
Saturday, August 7, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Sci-fi food - Read what products contain Senomyx and avoid - it is not listed on the label except under artificial flavors


  By Robert Cohen Web Site: <>    Posted: 13 March 2009   Sugar, ahhh - - honey honey you are my candy girl and you got me wanting you I just can't believe the loveliness of loving you (I just can't believe its true) I just can believe the wonder of this feeling too (I just can't believe its true)  --Wilson Pickett, 1970 (Written by Barry and Andy Kim)   We are witnessing the dawning of a sci-fi food  revolution. A new technology. A new food group.  Amazingly, my research uncovered something nobody  has ever revealed before in a column, newspaper  article, or magazine expose. The next time you  read "artificial flavor" on a food label, you  should be aware that a component of that new  genetically engineered food additive may be  embryonic kidney cells from aborted human fetuses.  The new high-tech artificial flavors are not  flavors at all. Instead, they contain chemicals  which have been engineered to fool human taste  buds. Future foods will need no salt, sugar, MSG,  or artificial sweeteners. Instead, sensory  perceptions will become warped by modern science.  Brains will taste things that are not really  there. Illusions. Deceptions. Memories of taste  which are now artificially induced.  You may not understand the abstract of the most  recent publication from this new food science, as  published in the May 2, 2008 issue of the Journal  of Biochemistry. I will translate.  The Abstract:  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  J Biol Chem. 2008 May 2;283(18):11981-94. Small molecule activator of the human epithelial sodium channel.Lu M, Echeverri F, Kalabat D, Laita B,  Dahan DS, Smith RD, Xu H, Staszewski L, Yamamoto  J, Ling J, Hwang N, Kimmich R, Li P, Patron E, Keung W, Patron A, Moyer BD. Senomyx, Inc., San Diego, California 92121.  The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), a  heterotrimeric complex composed of alpha, beta,  and gamma subunits, belongs to the ENaC/degenerin  family of ion channels and forms the principal  route for apical Na(+) entry in many reabsorbing epithelia.  Although high affinity ENaC blockers, including  amiloride and derivatives, have been described,  potent and specific small molecule ENaC  activators have not been reported. Here we  describe compound S3969 that fully and reversibly  activates human ENaC (hENaC) in an  amiloride-sensitive and dose-dependent manner in  heterologous cells. Mechanistically, S3969  increases hENaC open probability through  interactions requiring the extracellular domain  of the beta subunit. hENaC activation by S3969  did not require cleavage by the furin protease,  indicating that nonproteolyzed channels can be  opened. Function of alphabetaG37Sgamma hENaC, a  channel defective in gating that leads to the  salt-wasting disease pseudohypoaldosteronism type  I, was rescued by S3969. Small molecule  activation of hENaC may find application in  alleviating human disease, including  pseudohypoaldosteronism type I, hypotension, and  neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, when  improved Na(+) flux across epithelial membranes is clinically desirable.  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  OK, so what does it all mean? Another question:  What's $6 today and $100 in the Near Future? SNMX trades on NASDAQ  <>   From the Senomyx website: Translation: Senomyx  is re-inventing food and flavor by genetically  engineering taste bud receptor cell triggers.  Foods of the future will contain "flavor  enhancers" which fool human taste buds into  perceiving the sensations of sweetness, sourness, saltiness, and bitterness.  Remember the artificial sweetener controversies?  Chemical sugar-replicating compounds are listed  on food labels. The new chemicals made by biotech  companies will require no such labels. Although  they are not actual flavors, they will be called "artificial flavors."  How did Senomyx accomplish the task? A  (multi-hour) review of their patents reveals that  it all began with the cloning of human embryonic  kidney cells. Step two was a recombinant process  involving the combination of genetic material  from embryonic kidney cells and human  adeno-virus. If I had the ability to recall ten  thousand abbreviations for the amino acid  sequence, plus hundreds of complex combinations  of ACTG (adeneine, cytosine, thymine, guanine)  I'd describe the structure to you. For those  curious scientists, do a google search with the  keywords 'Senomyx and patents' and the third link  ( will provide more info than  you need to know. See: United States Patent #5,993,778.  How far into the future will these new biotech  wonders appear in our food supply? The future is  now. The next time you read "artificial flavor"  on a food label, pause to consider what you've  read here today. Content labels should read:  Embryonic kidney cells from aborted human fetuses.  Senomyx is presently developing new products with  many of the world's largest food manufacturers  including Campbell's and Coca Cola. In fact, if  you eat Nestle's foods, your taste buds are being  artificially stimulated by biotech products  developed by Senomyx. You may now know what you  are eating, but I take this opportunity to  paraphrase 17th century author Miguel Cervantes, who wrote in Don Quixote:  "The proof is in the pudding."  Robert Cohen <>     Friday, 6 August 2010, 9:41  :.  <>Food  Industry News  Categories:  <>Corporate  Results |  <>Food  Ingredients News     Senomyx Q2 Revenues Up 91%; Outlook Encouraging  Source: Senomyx, Inc 05/08/2010 Email This Article To A Colleague  Print A Copy Of This Page     August 5 - Senomyx, Inc., a company focused on  using proprietary taste receptor-based  technologies to discover novel flavor ingredients  for the food, beverage, and ingredient supply  industries, today provided a corporate update and  reported financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2010.  Daily News Alerts  <>-  We respect your privacy -  Revenues were $5.7 million for the second quarter  of 2010, compared to $3.0 million for the second  quarter of 2009, an increase of 91%. Revenues  were $13.4 million for the six months ended June  30, 2010, compared to $6.5 million for the six  months ended June 30, 2009, an increase of 107%.  As of June 30, 2010, the Company had cash, cash  equivalents, and short term investments of approximately $55.4 million.  “The second quarter of 2010 has been very active  for Senomyx,” stated Kent Snyder, Chief Executive  Officer of the Company. “During the quarter we  were informed that the European Food Safety  Authority (EFSA) has provided a ‘favorable  opinion’ for Senomyx’s Savory Flavor Ingredients,  S336 and S807, which means that no further  evaluation is required. The successful conclusion  of the evaluation is a key step toward receiving  an approval to use these ingredients in the European Union.”  Senomyx’s Savory Flavor Ingredients are intended  to reduce or replace added monosodium glutamate  (MSG) in foods and beverages. Final regulatory  approval and commercialization in the EU is  contingent upon the ingredients being included in  the EFSA Union List, which EFSA has targeted for  publication by the end of 2010.  “Nestlé, the world’s largest food and beverage  company, is currently conducting marketing  activities in the Pacific Rim, Latin America, and  Africa with both new and reformulated established  products that incorporate Senomyx’s Savory Flavor  Ingredients. Approval in Europe could create a  new market opportunity for Nestlé,” Snyder noted.  “In addition, Ajinomoto, a leading global  manufacturer of food and culinary products, is  introducing products that contain a Senomyx  flavor ingredient in Asia and another key  region,” Snyder stated. “Ajinomoto has increased  the number of products launched and has also  selected several new Senomyx flavor ingredients  for potential marketing.” Selection of the new  ingredients, which are all currently being  evaluated by Ajinomoto, triggered a $500,000 milestone payment to Senomyx.  “Another Senomyx partner, Firmenich, is  continuing commercial activities for Senomyx’s  extremely effective enhancer of the  high-intensity sweetener sucralose (S2383),”  Snyder said. Firmenich SA, a global leader in  providing ingredients and flavor systems to major  consumer companies, has exclusive worldwide  rights to market the sucralose enhancer as either  a stand-alone ingredient or as part of a flavor  system in all food and beverage product categories.  “Senomyx’s recent scientific achievements include  important progress in our Bitter Blocker Program  during the past quarter,” Snyder noted.  “Development activities, including primary safety  studies, have now been completed for our S6821  Bitter Blocker, allowing Senomyx to submit  regulatory filings for S6821 in the second half  of the year. S6821 is effective in reducing the  bitterness of a variety of product prototypes. We  are encouraged by the accelerated pace of our  development activities and the potential  long-term value of our Bitter Blocker Program.  “We are also enthusiastic about the success  Senomyx has had with our Sweet Enhancer program,”  Snyder commented. “As announced on June 24, our  advances in this program have led to Senomyx and  PepsiCo, the world’s second-largest food and  beverage company, signing a letter agreement and  entering into an exclusive 60-day negotiation  period regarding the completion of a definitive  agreement for a new collaboration related to  Senomyx’s sweet taste technology.”  Senomyx’s letter agreement with PepsiCo includes  key commercial and financial terms for a  potential multi-year collaborative research  program focused on the discovery, development,  and commercialization of new artificial sweet  enhancers, natural sweet enhancers, and natural  high potency sweeteners for the non-alcoholic  beverage category. Under the letter agreement,  Senomyx has received a payment of $7.5 million  from PepsiCo. The payment, which is  non-refundable except under limited  circumstances, will be applied as partial payment  towards an upfront license fee if Senomyx and  PepsiCo enter into a final definitive agreement.  “PepsiCo is an innovative company that shares our  commitment to providing healthier, great-tasting  products to consumers. We believe that our  potential new collaboration would include a  commercialization timeframe and other terms that  are beneficial for both companies,” Snyder stated.  In addition to other accomplishments, the Company  increased its intellectual property portfolio  during the past quarter. As of June 30, 2010,  Senomyx is the owner or exclusive licensee of 207  issued patents and 362 pending patent  applications related to proprietary taste  receptor technologies in the U.S., Europe, and  elsewhere. Technologies covered in the Company’s  patents include taste receptor sequences and  functions, screening assays, new flavor ingredients, and product applications.  Senomyx achieved its recent scientific advances  under the leadership of Donald S. Karanewsky,  Ph.D., who has served as Senior Vice President,  Discovery since joining Senomyx in June 2007. In  recognition of his valuable contributions to the  Company, Dr. Karanewsky was appointed to the  position of Senior Vice President and Chief  Scientific Officer during the past quarter. Dr.  Karanewsky received his Ph.D. and Master’s  degrees in Chemistry from Harvard University and  was granted a B.S. in Chemistry, Magna Cum Laude,  from Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey.  Senomyx management will discuss the Company’s  recent events during a conference call at 11:00  a.m. Eastern Time (8:00 a.m. Pacific Time) today.  Details regarding access to the call and a  subsequent archived recording are provided below.  Discovery & Development Program Updates:  Sweet Enhancer Program: The primary goal for this  program is to identify flavor ingredients that  allow a significant reduction of sweeteners in  food and beverage products while maintaining the  desired sweet taste. Senomyx has received a GRAS  (Generally Recognized As Safe) regulatory  designation for S6973, the Company’s sucrose  enhancer that enables up to 50% reduction of  sugar in certain foods and beverages while  maintaining the sweet taste of natural sugar. The  GRAS designation allows it to be used in the U.S.  and in numerous other countries for most food  products and selected beverages such as flavored  milk, as well as ready-to-drink and instant  coffee and tea. The sucrose enhancer is currently  being evaluated by potential collaborators  interested in using it for these beverage  categories. Firmenich has exclusive worldwide  rights to commercialize this sucrose enhancer for  virtually all food categories, and co-exclusive  rights for the powdered beverage category.  Firmenich has initiated pre-commercialization  activities with major clients in anticipation of  conducting its first product launches during 2011.  Additional advances with the Sweet Enhancer  Program include the identification of a new  family of sucrose enhancers with distinct  physical properties that may be advantageous for  a broader range of beverages and other product  applications. A recently discovered sucrose  enhancer from this family enables up to 50%  reduction of sugar in preliminary taste tests.  During the first quarter of 2010, the Company  identified the first Senomyx flavor ingredients  that demonstrate a statistically significant  amplification of the sweet taste of fructose, a  key component of high fructose corn syrup. High  fructose corn syrup is the primary sweetener used  in carbonated and certain other beverages,  especially in North America. A number of new  samples have been active in the fructose enhancer  screening assay. These are being optimized to  increase their potency and improve their physical  properties, followed by evaluation in taste tests.  Bitter Blocker Program: The primary goals of this  program are to reduce or block bitter taste and  to improve the overall taste characteristics of  foods, beverages, and ingredients. Taste tests  have demonstrated that S6821 and S0812, alone or  in combination, can provide statistically  significant reductions in the bitterness of a  variety of product prototypes and food  ingredients including tea, cocoa, menthol,  various proteins, and the sweeteners  Rebaudioside-A (a derivative of the stevia  plant), Acesulfame potassium (Ace-K), and  saccharine. Senomyx expects to submit regulatory  applications for S6821 during the second half of  this year. In addition, the Company believes  development activities with S0812 will conclude  by year-end and regulatory filings are planned for 2011.  Salt Enhancer Program: The goal of the Salt  Enhancer Program is to identify flavor  ingredients that allow a significant reduction of  sodium in foods and beverages yet maintain the  salty taste desirable to consumers. Senomyx  discovered SNMX-29, a protein with  characteristics that indicate it could be  involved in human salt taste perception, and  identified samples that are active in screening  assays based on this protein. These active  samples have not provided significant enhancement  of saltiness in taste tests, which leads the  Company to believe that SNMX-29 is not the  primary receptor responsible for human salt  taste. The Company is exploring the role of other  proteins that may be integral to the sensation of  salty taste. This high-priority effort involves  chemistry and biology approaches, including  assessing components of Senomyx’s proprietary  database of proteins found in taste buds. Senomyx  believes that discovery of the protein or  proteins that function as the salt taste receptor  could lead to identifying a salt taste enhancer.  Cooling Flavor Program: The goal of the Cooling  Flavor Program is to identify novel cooling  flavors that do not have the limitations of  currently available agents. Senomyx has  discovered new cooling flavors that demonstrated  a taste proof-of-concept and displayed cooling  properties that exceed those of commonly used  agents. Senomyx and its partner for this program,  Firmenich, have prioritized sample classes that  are the focus of further optimization.  Financial Review:  Revenues were $5.7 million for the second quarter  of 2010, compared to $3.0 million for the second  quarter of 2009, an increase of 91%. Revenues  were $13.4 million for the six months ended June  30, 2010, compared to $6.5 million for the six  months ended June 30, 2009, an increase of 107%.  The increases in revenues for the second quarter  and the year-to-date were primarily due to the  recognition of license fee and R&D funding  revenue related to the Company’s August 2009  Sweet Enhancer collaboration with Firmenich.  License fee and R&D funding related to the  collaboration contributed $3.3 million and $6.2  million for the three and six month periods  ending June 30, 2010. Also contributing to the  increase year-to-date was a total of $3.0 million  in non-recurring milestone payments and cost  reimbursements from collaborators.  Research and development expenses, including  stock-based compensation expense, were $7.1  million for the second quarter of 2010, compared  to $7.8 million for the second quarter of 2009, a  decrease of 10%. Research and development  expenses, including stock-based compensation  expense, were $13.5 million for the six months  ended June 30, 2010, compared to $15.4 million  for the six months ended June 30, 2009, a  decrease of 13%. These decreases were primarily  due to reduced expenditures for compound  acquisition and related high-throughput screening  activities and reduced personnel-related expenses.  General and administrative expenses, including  stock-based compensation expense, were $3.3  million for the second quarter of 2010, compared  to $3.2 million for the second quarter of 2009,  an increase of 3%. General and administrative  expenses, including stock-based compensation  expense, were $6.4 million for the six months  ended June 30, 2010, compared to $6.5 million for  the six months ended June 30, 2009, a decrease of 1%.  The net loss for the second quarter of 2010 was  $0.12 per share, compared to a net loss of $0.26  per share for the second quarter of 2009. The net  loss for the six months ended June 30, 2010 was  $0.18 per share, compared to $0.50 per share for  the six months ended June 30, 2009.  2010 Outlook:  “Due to the receipt of $7.5 million from PepsiCo  related to the June letter agreement, we are  revising our cash utilization guidance for 2010  from a range of $14 million to $16 million to a  range of $6 million to $8 million. At this time,  we are not revising our other financial guidance  metrics; however, we will update our financial  guidance as necessary if we enter into a  definitive agreement with PepsiCo,” stated Tony  Rogers, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.  For the full year 2010, Senomyx now expects: Total revenues of $20 million to $24 million  Total expenses of $42 million to $44 million, of  which $5 million to $6 million is non-cash,  stock-based compensation expense Net loss of $18  million to $21 million Basic and diluted net loss  of $0.48 to $0.56 per share Net cash used in  operating activities between $6 million and $8 million   <> GO     View more articles on this subject   <>More  Alerts from 06/08/2010   Email This Article To A Colleague  Print A Copy Of This Page      FLEXNEWS - Business News for the Food Industry  <>About  Us |  <>Contact  Us |  <>Terms  & Conditions |  <>Privacy Policy <> []   Daily News Alerts  <> [] <>Alerts Archive Search  <> [] <>More Search Options []   Related Items []   <>Senomyx  & PepsiCo Enter Pact to Develop New Artificial... []   <>Senomyx  Reports 120% Increase in Revenues in Q1 2010 []   <>Senomyx  and Coca-Cola Plan to Continue Flavour Ingredient... 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