Vaccines and Vaccinations Edited by Powell Gammill
Everything having to do with the reasons for developing and injecting vaccines, and the outcomes of such vaccination on diseases and those inoculated.
Page 1 of 4 Top • Back • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • Down • End News Vaccine Deaths And Injuries Skyrocket As Cover-Up Implodes 08-30-2010 • Joseph Watson, Prison Cases of debilitating illnesses, soft-kill side-effects and even instant deaths as a result of vaccinations across the world are skyrocketing as the cover-up of deadly inoculations implodes and more people than ever become suspicious about what they
Hugo Tellez
News Vaccine Zombie – music video 08-28-2010 • Mike Adams "Vaccines can be extremely harmful to your health. The "Vaccine Zombie" song and music video features dancing zombie characters singing about the side effects of vaccination."
Barbara Peterson
Feature Article Conclusive: Global Distribution of Rockefeller-Funded Anti-Fertility Vaccine Coordinated by WHO Ernest Hancock WHO and the Rockefeller Foundation have worked together on “anti-fertility” vaccine since the 1960s.
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News Lock up your Daughters – Suspected Serial Killer Due for Release – It’s Called Gardasil! 08-26-2010 • Prison Planet HPV Vaccine Insanity Comes To Ireland
Donna Hancock
News The Army Wants a Genetic Vaccinator that Blasts Doses of DNA Right Through the Patient's Skin 08-10-2010 • Clay Dillow via PopSci Replacing the Needle for Innoculations in the Field In an effort to increase its ability to respond to biological attacks in the field, the Army wants a DNA vaccination device that blasts gene-filled gas right through the skin then delivers electric
FreedomsPhoenix Staff
News The Psychology of Conspiracy Denial 08-05-2010 • Paul Joseph Watson via Prison Planet.comcc Wired Magazine writer Jonah Lehrer claims his critics are engaging in “cognitive dissonance,” by expressing concern about experimental vaccines, which in fact is the perfect description for Lehrer’s own behavior
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FreedomsPhoenix Staff
Letters to the Editor Pertussis Vaccine AD? Written by: Jerry Day How did a vaccination ad turn up on Freedom's Phoenix? Since when does Freedom's Phoenix serve as a mouthpiece for big pharma? Is FP so informed about the ingredients and effects of this drug that it is a "cause" to be promoted? Let me assu •
Feature Article Pertussis Vaccine Sierra Hancock Just ANOTHER vaccine!!!!
News Microneedles may make getting flu shots easier 07-18-2010 • Randolph E. Schmid via Yahoo! News One day your annual flu shot could come in the mail. At least that's the hope of researchers developing a new method of vaccine delivery that people could even use at home: a patch with microneedles.
FreedomsPhoenix Staff
News Bill Gates funds covert vaccine nanotechnology 05-28-2010 • These nanoparticles could be used in a spray mist that’s sprayed on to every person who walks through an airport security checkpoint, for example. Or it could be unleashed through the ventilation systems of corporate office buildings or public school
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Jack Gregson
News Are GlaxoSmithKline and the FDA lying to parents about the Rotarix Recall? 03-30-2010 One might request exactly why the NIH says PCV-1 can be transferred to humans when the FDA is denying such can occur.
Barbara Peterson
News Millions Exposed To Pig Virus In Rotavirus Vaccine 03-25-2010 • THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FDA Officials Call For Temporary Halt Of Administration Of GlaxoSmithKline's Rotavirus And Merck's RotaTeq Vaccines
Jeneen Zucker
News Vaccine Safety Testing 03-14-2010 • Farm Wars Finally! A sneak peak into a top secret vaccine safety testing lab.
Barbara Peterson
News Vaccine Court: 3 Rulings Find No Link to Vaccines and Autism 03-12-2010 • NY Times In a further blow to the antivaccine movement, three judges ruled Friday in three separate cases that thimerosal, a preservative containing mercury, does not cause autism.
Powell Gammill
Opinion 1.6 Million Dollars of Tax Payer Money Being Spent to POISON CHILDREN! 02-02-2010 Jeneen Zucker This is a Demonstration Project for PUBLIC SCHOOL HEALTH CLINICS and guess what? These HEALTH CLINICS are in the Obama healthcare bill.
News Doctor in MMR-Autism Scare Ruled Unethical 02-01-2010 • Time magazine In 1998, Andrew Wakefield, a gastroenterologist at London's Royal Free Hospital, published a study in the prestigious medical journal Lancet that linked the triple Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine with autism and bowel disorders in children.
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Powell Gammill
News Bill Gates pledges $10 billion for a 'Decade of The Vaccine' 1-29-10 • Mr Gates said that he hoped the coming ten years would be the “decade of the vaccine” to reduce dramatically child mortality in the world’s poorest countries.
Jack Gregson
News MA Teachers Given Insulin Shots Instead of H1N1 Vaccine 01-18-2010 • Ginn Some teachers in Massachusetts became "very ill" after they'd taken their medicine. Turns out their H1N1 flu shot wasn't all it was cracked up to be.
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Randy Ricochet
Feature Article Federal Authority for Vaccinations and Quarantines John Green Constitution? All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. Here are the EOs and DOs that authorize the President and Secretary of HHS to quarantine and vaccine you. Now, their orders can also mobilize Homeland Security against you at the st
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News Experts predict flu pandemic could be mildest on record 12-07-2009 • Washington Post With the second wave of H1N1 infections having crested in the United States, leading epidemiologists are predicting that the pandemic could end up ranking as the mildest since modern medicine began documenting influenza outbreaks. Experts warn tha
Powell Gammill
News Those Anthrax Attacks - Why Were They Buried? 11-29-2009 • Glenn Greenwald for Britain is currently engulfed by a probing, controversial investigation into how their Government came to support the invasion of Iraq, replete with evidence that much of what was said at the time by both British and American officials was knowingly
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Ernest Hancock
News Canada's doctors told to halt swine flu vaccine batch 11-28-2009 • BBC GlaxoSmithKline has advised doctors in Canada to stop using a batch of its swine flu vaccine, amid reports of a higher than usual number of patients having severe anaphylactic reactions.
Michael Fink
News Severe H1N1 Vaccination Allergic Reactions in Canada: GlaxoSmithKline Vaccine Batch Recall, 6 Guilla 11-24-2009 • Ginn H1N1 vaccine maker GlaxoSmithKline has recalled a batch of the vaccine after several “unusually” severe reactions in several Canadians. Meanwhile, several cases of the potentially life-threatening syndrome Guillain Barre, have been reported in the U.
Randy Ricochet
News Did U.S make mistake in skipping vaccine additive? 11-22-2009 • Reuters As U.S. health officials struggle to vaccinate tens of millions of Americans against the pandemic of swine flu, some are looking regretfully at one easy way to instantly double or triple the number of doses available -- by using an immune booster cal
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Powell Gammill
News Deaths not linked to H1N1 vaccine - WHO 11-19-2009 • Reuters The World Health Organisation said on Thursday the H1N1 vaccine had been cleared of blame for 41 deaths which health authorities worldwide had investigated after suspicions they might have been caused by the inoculation. The U.N. agency reaffirmed
Powell Gammill
News Doctors say most Britons reject swine flu vaccine 11-18-2009 • Reuters More than half of Britons being offered vaccination against pandemic H1N1 flu are turning it down because they fear side-effects or think the virus is too mild to bother, a survey of doctors showed on Wednesday. Many of the 107 family doctors poll
Powell Gammill
News VIDEO: Athlete Crippled by H1N1 Flu Shot 11/18/2009 • You Tube Another healthy teen has fallen prey to the H1N1 flu shot. Doctors diagnosed this 14-year-old's condition as Gullain Barre Syndrome. Fox newscasters make light of his symptoms and say 'he will soon be over it'. Remember Desiree Jennings! There is
Mrs. B
News MILLION HIT BY 'PLAGUE WORSE THAN SWINE FLU' (Publisher: Expected?!!!) 11-16-2009 • A cocktail of three flu viruses are reported to have mutated into a single pneumonic plague, which it is believed may be far more dangerous than swine flu. The death toll has reached 189 and more than 1 million people have been infected
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Ernest Hancock
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Monday, August 30, 2010
[MedicalConspiracies] Horror Tails of Vaccinations
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