In a move that surprised no one, the FDA has finally taken an official position on the Miracle Mineral Supplement, known by most by the acronym, “MMS.” In a July 30news release, the agency warned of “serious harm from drinking MMS.” This is a trend that began in May, with a Media Advisory against MMS issued by Health Canada, which cited two complaints it had received. In June, Spain followed suit with its own ban on MMS imports. Having no complaints of its own, it justified its action on Canada’s. The FDA said it has received several reports of health injuries from consumers who used MMS. They included what many who have successfully worked through their health challenges recognize as positive signs, i.e., nausea, vomiting (not guaranteed, but not unexpected either). Diarrhea wasn’t mentioned by name, but they did mention life-threatening low blood pressure from dehydration.
I don’t mean to minimize any of this, but given the numbers of people, now estimated to be in the millions, who have used MMS in the past two plus years, this is tantamount to overwhelming evidence of its benign and beneficial nature. People are not afraid to share bad news, and even make up bad news if it isn’t bad enough. So the overwhelming number of unsolicited positive results shared by MMS users, are significant.
The FDA news release indicates that the agency is considering criminal or civil actions as appropriate “to protect the public from this potentially dangerous product.”
I’m sorry, but this is such hooey, I can hardly stand it.
It is IRONIC that this announcement comes at a time when BP has been running Corexit sorties over the Gulf of Mexico for over three months now, dropping thousands of gallons of this material daily, in a feeble attempt to disperse the oil mass, all the while adding toxic insult to technological injury. They drop the Corexit, which is banned for use on oil spills in the U.K., and is high in benzene and other poisonous chemical agents, while taking no environmentally responsible measures to protect or restore the health of people, wildlife, waterfowl, domestic animals, or coastal lands. In fact, they are applying an unprecedented amount of this admittedly toxic product on an already compromised marine life system. The DISREGARD for human life is blatant.
The FDA is not BP, but the thinking is the same. The FDA thinks that it’s okay to use toxic chemicals on compromised human life systems, as long as the purveyors of the products have jumped through enough hoops and paid sufficient moolah (to the FDA) to “earn” approval. This is why, after trillions have been raised and spent, and millions of lives have succumbed to cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, and millions more contract chronic, degenerative conditions earlier in life, and yet live longer, we’re marching, walking, running, and searching for “cures.”
Yet, in spite of clearly not having found cures for cancer and other popular diseases, the Agency shows no interest in investigating the merits of MMS. You notice that their warning doesn’t even ask for useful information. The public is only asked for adverse information, so that they can build a case to take criminal or civil action. This is “protection” all right, but it’s not protection of public health, or the public interest. The hypocrisy meter is on overload.
In his own way, Jim Humble has baited the FDA and other watchdogs, by saying that MMS “cures” a wide range of ailments, from HIV/AIDS and malaria, to cancer, to the common cold. The FDA warning said that these pathologies are unrelated. That’s part of the problem.
They are related.
Jim Humble reported what he observed, since he took the time and energy to investigate the properties and potential of chlorine dioxide, a chemical that was discovered over 200 years ago and used in water treatment for almost 100 years, if it were applied inside the body, which is 75%-85% water. Indeed, the water that flows inside the body is almost identical in molecular composition to seawater. And when chemicals are used to treat various pathologies in the human body, they tend to exacerbate an already out-of-balanced situation. Chlorine dioxide doesn’t do that. It delivers oxygen into what is oftentimes an environment that is oxygen deficient, and does so without producing new chemical toxicity.
The FDA hasn’t indicated any interest in such details. It says that it is unaware of any research that MMS is effective in treating the myriad diseases that people have reported. The truth is, IF such research were done, it wouldn’t be reported. Even though it is in the public interest to know. Why isn’t the FDA encouraging colleges and universities to do the research? Why are they suggesting that the public throw out their supply? In the interest of the public good, why aren’t they taking the initiative to confirm the claims, which would be monumental if they were verified, instead of do away with any evidence? The answer is that it would be monumental.
Chlorine dioxide would be an amazingly beneficial and effective tool in the operating room, to be used as a topical spray just after surgery, before closing the patient up. According to a 2007 article in the Houston Chronicle, approximately 19,000 people die each year from Staph infections, a number that is probably low. Chlorine dioxide use in medical environments could virtually eliminate that statistic. Methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus or MRSA, cannot change enough to take itself out of the range of chlorine dioxide’s oxidative effect.
Too many people have benefited from MMS to sweep it under the rug and act as though it has no merits simply because it is not backed by billions of dollars. The companies that do have those billions, gained them at the expense of the lives, livelihoods, and health of millions of people around the world. Government agencies, such as the FDA, exist to protect the well-being of the public. This is a fiduciary role that they serve, where the public trust is of utmost importance. However, they appear to be operating to protect the financial well-being of corporate entities.
And the public sees it clearly.
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