
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Vibrant Energy


Vibrant Energy

   Please feel free to share this newsletter with your friends.   We all have needs to be met.

 May 5, 2010


Are the stresses of daily life getting you down?

Family pressures got you on the ropes?

Financial worries choking the life out of you?

Suffering with chronic pain?





                                   Stop the stress!  Feel FREE again!


Hi Friends,


Guilt is such a debilitating force in so many of us.  It makes us feel regretful and sad that we let someone down, and we punish ourselves with stress and depression, many times even because of situations over which we have or had no control. 


Angela was one such lady.  She, as a young mother, was busy and rushed, as are all young moms.  She loved her kids, but they demanded time of her she didn’t have available to give to each of them.   She cared for the home and worked on their farm, while her husband started his business.  She cared for her husband and their six children’s physical needs, and spent time with them.  No one was physically neglected, but two of them felt they were emotionally neglected.  As they grew up, those two decided to band together against Angela and punish her with their absence and with cutting remarks, when they did speak to her.  They spent hours on the phone telling each other how badly they were damaged by her neglect, and then after one stirring the other into a rage, they’d call and let her know, with digs and hurtful remarks, what a terrible mother they felt she had been.  They chose to make her life as miserable as they were able.


This began when they were teens and they were now in their 40’s.  The perpetual punishment they dished out was taking its toll on her.  Angela struggled with guilt and blamed herself for their attitudes.  She thought she deserved whatever they gave her and she took it and took it.  She was stressed and depressed and could see no way to change any of it.  No matter how many times she apologized or reached out to them, she received the same treatment.


One day she called me crying and told me of the situation.  We had worked together several years before, when her husband was dying of cancer.  I had taught them both how to use this technique to bring peace to their emotions, even in the midst of their heart wrenching circumstances, so she was familiar with what I do and she needed my help again.  We discussed the situation a bit and then we worked the technique together.


In a few minutes she was able to feel the guilt drop away.  She was able to feel and internalize that she had had no ill intentions toward them as youngsters.  She had done the best she could with her plate so full, and trying to cope with so many different personalities in the family.  She could even see that their bad behavior towards her now, was deliberate and intentional, where her actions in their youth had not been from any ill will, but only from the necessity presented by a hectic schedule. 


And she realized that their bad behavior was THEIR choice, not any of her doing at all.  We all choose how to react to situations.  Our choice, no matter what prompted it, is still our choice and we alone are responsible for that.  She was able to forgive herself, because she had done the best she could.  None of us are perfect people, but we all set such high standards for our own behavior that we can never reach them, yet we demand it of ourselves.  And we punish ourselves, when we can’t reach them, with terrible emotions that wreck havoc on our bodies.


She left the phone call that day with a much changed attitude and a lighter heart.  A few weeks later she sent me a lovely family photo of her and some of the family at a restaurant celebrating her birthday.  Everyone was having a great time and she had a beautiful smile on her face, along with this note: (cut down here for brevity)


“Some thing has taken place in my spirit -- some thing for the good.  I understand now, it’s not my fault, it’s their choice.  I have realized that I can't change anything, I don't have to feel guilty.   That’s what they did, made me feel guilty.  I have endured a lot of miss treatment and I let them do it, God has helped me to understand that I don't have to be treated that way any more.  My door is always open if they want.”


For you and I, looking at her situation, it is logical and makes perfect sense that it isn’t her fault, she shouldn’t feel guilty.  Her children made their choices about how to judge her and how to react to that judgment, and it has nothing to do with her.  But…many people go through YEARS of counseling to reach this point of acceptance.  Yet she was able to do it in less than half an hour on the phone using this wonderful energy healing technique.  It allows us to tap directly into our brain so that our subconscious can understand situations much faster and make correct judgments, not judgments colored by guilt or remorse.  It relieves our emotional suffering and gives us back the joy and peace we continually seek.  We set aside guilt and depression and return to a happy, joyous life, just as Angela has. 


Are you suffering from destructive or out of balance relationships?  Do you wish for a better way?  Can you see no help for it? 


This amazing technique can bring you peace like you can’t imagine, with a simple correction of our brain’s off kilter pattern of thinking.  And it is done in minutes. 


Don’t suffer with anger or bitterness or guilt or resentment or any of the destructive emotions that put such bad chemicals into our system that we become physically ill from them. 


Regain your peace and joy.  It is literally in your hands -- in your own power -- to change this, and so quickly.


Go to the web page and read the Blog and the Testimonies.  So many are receiving the relief they crave.  Won’t you become one of them?


Love and blessings,






STANDING OFFER:  3 FREE lessons.   We owe our wonderful men and women who are now serving or have ever served in the military a huge debt of gratitude.  If you are suffering from Post Traumatic stress, Gulf War Syndrome or similar military duty related maladies, injuries or injection reactions, or you suspect that these are the problems, I want to help you be totally FREE of those debilitating issues.  Just mention that you are serving or have served.  Let me show you how to quiet and relax your jangled nerves!  This offer includes military spouses and their children living in their home. 





You’ll be surprised at the peace this simple energy healing technique can bring,

and you can learn to do it for yourself, anytime, anywhere, in just a few minutes.


So simple a child can (and has!) used it effectively.


Please don’t give up hope.  Don’t give in to the “Why Bother” syndrome!  The stresses in your life can be dismissed in a few minutes. 


Why struggle day after day with the same old problems, which only cause stress and worry and fear -- which wrecks havoc with your heart and blood pressure, when with just a few minutes with this technique can bring you results beyond imagining!  WAY better and so much faster than Yoga or Hypnosis or Acupuncture or any of the conventional therapies.  Much simpler.  Pain FREE.  And with lasting results. 


This simple relaxation technique involves no drugs or supplements, no counseling, no painful rehashing of traumatic past events, no forcing yourself to “be brave and face your fears!” 


Yet, it has consistently demonstrated that it can bring personal peace to those suffering from stress and anxiety, depression, fears and phobias, and even chronic pain!  Results are, across the board, impressive and highly rewarding to the sufferers of these debilitating problems. 


Check out the web page and then call me or email me for your appointment.  You can use every day of your life to relax your stressors and calm your brain and body.  Life can be joyous again!




You are receiving this because you have at some time in the past inquired about this wonderful healing technique.  If you would prefer NOT to receive this info, please reply to this email with REMOVE in the subject line. 


Thank you. 







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