
Monday, May 10, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] the mosque at ground zero

I know that most who read the following won't give a shit. Some will
pontificate. Will you stop it from happening ? I'm not holding my
breath. To the new few. I've been down this road too many times.
This explains my attitude.

Bruce Chesley
Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. - Thomas Paine
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws - Tacitus
Treason for $$$$. ALL "pro 2A" orgs.

From: "Jan B."
Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 15:51:05 -0700 (PDT)

On a day when my skin is absolutely 'crawling' in reaction to the
on-goings success of the progressive jihad shredding America bit by
bit,and the apparent idiocy of most our citizens who are either
unconcerned or complacent, this is just unbearable to read.

It's hard not to develop a bunker mentality,or to want to withdraw
completely in self defense.

God is so long suffering with the rebellion of man- and now we watch as
these evil, narcissistic, power hungry madmen piece together their plan
in earnest and in reality. Certainly, it's not the first time it's been
tried, other nations have endured these (failed) attempts in the past,but
it is the first time all the necessary elements are truly in place.

I think I am only just beginning to understand the how vast oursin
against God really is - how mankind has mocked God and chosen (as always
since the garden,) to be their 'own gods'.

Much of America is asleep - but many are dancing in delight,drunk with
power, America is dancing - on the very edge of the pit.
Maranatha - jan

May 10, 2010

Exclusive: Spitting in the Face of Everyone Murdered on 9/11

Gadi Adelman


[Editor's note: highlights added]

Well, it's official, we have all lost our minds.

I read about this last December, plans for a mosque at Ground Zero, but
like a fool, I assumed that New Yorkers would never let this come to
pass. A mosque just 600 feet from where the World Trade Center towers
once stood. I thought to myself; no way will New York or anyone with a
heart or soul, not to mention just plain common sense, ever allow a
mosque to be built anywhere near Ground Zero. But, as I said, I am a

The project of a community center / mosque is being proposed by two
organizations, theAmerican Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA) and
their sister organization, theCordoba Initiative. This past Wednesday
night they made their presentation to theCommunity Board of lower
Manhattan (CB1). Twelve people sit on the board and would you like to
guess what the final vote was? Get ready to grab a barf bag - the 12
members voted unanimously to support the project. Yes, it=EDs not a typo,
it was unanimous, all were in favor and, to give you an idea of how
excited the board members were, they applauded during the presentation.

In an article in the New York Daily News on Thursday, retired FDNY Deputy
Chief Jim Riches said,

"I realize it's not all of them, but I don't want to have to go down to a
memorial where my son died on 9/11 and look at a mosque. If you ask me,
it's a religion of hate." Deputy Chief Riches lost his son Jim, a
firefighter, on 9/11.

Also quoted in the article was Rosemary Cain of Massapequa, L.I., whose
son, firefighter George Cain, 35, was killed in the 2001 attacks, she
called the project, "a slap in the face. I think it's despicable. That's
sacred ground," said Cain, "How could anybody give them permission to
build a mosque there? It tarnishes the area."

The mosque would be located in a former Burlington Coat Factory outlet
which is just 2 blocks or 600 feet from where the World Trade Towers once
stood. I find it ironic that the building has been mostly abandoned since
9/11 because the landing gear of one of the hijacked airplanes crashed
through its roof.

The leader and co-founder of the project, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, paid
$4.85 million dollars for the building in December last year.

In a Fox NY channel 5 interview on Thursday, a 9/11 firefighter Tim Brown
described the mosque project as,
"a Trojan horse being rolled into our most sacred ground". He asked the
mosque's imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, where did Rauf get the reported $4.85
million in cash to purchase the building?

Needless to say, that question was never answered in full; Rauf would say
only that the cash came from =ECmembers of the community.

Tim Brown is a former NY firefighter and one of the few 9/11 survivors to
survive the collapse of both WTC towers. He was also a first responder to
the 1993 WTC bombing, also executed by a group of Islamic terrorists. He
is the founder of the

I spoke with Matt Dunning, the Associate Editor of the Tribeca Trib
newspaper on the telephone on Sunday. The Tribeca Trib is a monthly
newspaper that covers lower Manhattan. Unlike most publications today,
they actually report the news. Mr. Dunning explained to me that they do
not even do editorials for that reason, they report on facts. He was at
the CB1 board meeting Wednesday night. We spoke about his articleon the
meeting and I must say I was shocked when Dunning told me that not one
person from the community came to the meeting was in opposition. If
someone had been, we would have reported it.

This was a public board meeting, and no one who lives or works in this
area even showed up to voice his or her opinion that they opposed the
mosque? Have we actually arrived at the point in this country where
forgiveness or ignorance overrides sense and responsibility?

Back on December 16th, 2009, in an article written shortly after the
purchase of the building, Youssef M. Ibrahim wrote the following in
Hudson NY,=ECAs a former New York Times and Wall Street Journal
correspondent, and as a New York Sun columnist who covered Islamic
fundamentalism extensively overseas and in the USA, I find the facts
oddly lacking. The story as reported fails to answer, and avoids asking,
so many pertinent questions.

The source of money matters as a significant part of the hundreds of
mosques being built and already erected in this country double up as
cultural Islamic centers for distributing literature-- Islamist
propaganda in fact - from Bay Ridge Brooklyn to Detroit, and for schools
growing Muslim minorities. They house Imams of unknown origin and
education, many of whom do not speak a word of English but preach in
Arabic and Urdu -- radical messages, it often turns out.

As a reporter familiar with the Arab communities of the USA, I doubt the
faithful fork out all that money for mega mosques, and if they did, the
mayor's office should prove it, not merely accept someone=EDs say so. It
is an established fact that a significant percentage of the mosques built
in the USA in the past two decades are receiving a disproportionate
amount of their funds not only from the Saudis, but also the UAE, Qatar
and Iran -- all
problematic Islamists activist nations. The government just discontinued
work on a major Iranian-funded mosque and center in New York City, which
had operated under the radar since the days of the good old Shah of Iran
under the auspices of the Pahlavi Foundation, and has been owned since
1979 by the Mullahs of Iran.

The context here is that 15 of the 19 perpetrators of the attacks -- on
the very site where this new mosque shall rise -- came from Saudi Arabia.

He ended his article with One would hope for a follow-up story or
stories, and that New York City and its citizens at least ask harder
questions, rather than submit to being misled in the interest of
political correctness.

The estimated cost for the 13 story building is $100 million dollars.
According to page 8 of the ASMA website financial statements for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 2009 they have =ECtemporarily restricted net
assets as follows:

UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) $ 53,664

MDG3 Fund (Millennium Development Goals) $481,942

Hunt Alternatives Fund $15,000

Carnegie Corporation of N.Y. $ 144,752

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund $50,000

Qatar government fund $576,312

Interestingly, I had no trouble locating all of the groups as linked
above, except for the Qatar government fund, which donated over half a
million dollars to ASMA in 2009.

The fact that the UN has a hand in this really comes as no surprise given
that just last week they embraced the Islamic Republic of Iran by
allowing them to become a member of The Commission on the Status of
Women, as I wrote about in my article =ECEven if it were a joke, it
wouldn't be funny.

Also, according to the same financial statement, on page 10 of the report
they list their =ECExpenditure report for the period October 13, 2008 to
June 30, 2009 leaving ASMA with a balance of $988,586.00 when converted
from Euros to Dollars using the conversion noted on the same page.

So, assuming this independent audit is correct they ended their fiscal
year on 6-30-09 with a balance of almost 1 million dollars. I wonder
then, where is the money for a 100 million dollar mosque coming from?

As Youssef M. Ibrahim wrote in his article It is an established fact that
a significant percentage of the mosques built in the USA in the past two
decades are receiving a disproportionate amount of their funds not only
from the Saudis, but also the UAE, Qatar and Iran -- all problematic
Islamists activist nations.

Does anyone have the sense to connect the dots and follow the money
trail? Is it not enough that the terrorists who were responsible for 9/11
are from the same country that is funding mosques all over our country,
that we have to allow them to fund the building of a mosque in the very
location where they committed the most heinous act in American history?

Using this analogy, had the bomb last week in Times Square actually
exploded, we would be planning a mosque in Times Square right now. Have
we lost our minds so much that we have moved to erecting monuments to
perpetrators and not victims?

Currently, in the U.S. there are over 1200 mosques, with at least one in
each state. I don't see the need to build a new mosque at the same
location where nearly 3000 people were murdered by terrorists who
followed an Islamic ideology that will be preached inside this new one.

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