
Friday, October 30, 2015

MedicalConspiracies- Scientists Prove Backwards Time Travel Is Possible

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Scientists Prove Backwards Time Travel Is Possible

Back in June 2014, it was announced that scientists had proven that time-travel into the past is possible.

An article, entitled Experimental simulation of closed timelime curves, was published in the peer-reviewed journal, Nature, which explained how scientists at the University Of Queenland had successfully simulated quantum particles traveling through time using photons.

(a photon is an elementary subatomic particle, the quantum of light and every other form of electromagnetic radiation).

In two different cases of simulating the behaviour of two photons interacting with each other, in the first case a photon passed through a wormhole and then, rather amazingly, started interacting with it's older self.  In the second instance, a photon traveling through normal space-time interacted with a photon that was permanently trapped inside a closed timeline curve.

The results of the experiment demonstrate how the 'grandfather paradox' could be resolved at the quantum level.  The 'grandfather paradox' says that if someone went back in time and did something to prevent their own grandparents from meeting, then they would never have been born and therefore would never have set out to travel through time in the first place.

The theory that time-travel is possible at the quantum level was first predicted in 1991, due to the fact that quantum particles almost behave beyond the realms  of  physics.  Whilst the results show that time-travel to the past is only possible at the quantum level, it does prove that time-travel at a large scale is not an impossibility, though is still considered improbable.

MedicalConspiracies- The Reality Of Psychotronic Mind Control

Sunday, 25 October 2015

The Reality Of Psychotronic Mind Control

Many people are quick to dismiss or ridicule psychotronic (psycho-electronic) technology as paranoid delusion or fantasy and many believe that such a thing is not even scientifically possible.

However, EEG (Electroencephalography) is one example of widely used modern technology which is capable of reading brain wave activity and can therefore be considered to be a psychotronic device. Additionally, there are many people who now have microchips implanted and integrated with their brains.

Some medical patients that have such implants are now capable of controlling the mouse cursor on their computer and left or right clicking the mouse by simply using the power of thought. The microchip implant reads the brain waves and encodes the data before sending it to the computer wirelessly so that the computer can understand the command.

It seems that the ridiculous conspiracy theories of years ago are now becoming a reality. Such chip implants have already been used in China to test the feasibility of plans for a wireless, cashless society whereby all monetary currency would be regulated digitally by microchip implants. 

Psychotronic Technology

Of course, the most basic forms of psychotronic technology which can be used for mind control purposes are radio and television. The easiest way this would be achieved is by including subliminal messages, indirect suggestions and embedded commands which can be masked behind the music or can be incorporated into spoken sentences. This way you won't even consciously notice them but your subconscious would pick up on them without you realizing.

The less consciously aware you are that psychological manipulation is taking place, the more likely your subconscious is to pick up on the information and follow orders. For this reason, electronic devices are perfect for carrying out covert mind control techniques stealthily and unnoticed, hence the field of psychotronics. Whereas approximately two-thirds of all people are prone to the power of suggestion, those who are not usually prone to it are more receptive to it if they are unaware that it's happening. Additionally, they are even more receptive again to it if it's done using psychotronic technology.

Psychotronic Interference & Scanning

In 1974, a method of inducing sleep in a target subject by using radio waves was patented in Russia and by 2014 many sleep-inducing technologies were publicly available, such as trackers, apps and light bulbs - all psychotronic devices.

It's also a scientifically known fact that ultrasound frequencies resonate with the human eyeball and can cause humans to experience hallucinations and this is another way that people can be manipulated using psychotronic technology.

By 2015, scientists announced that they had successfully induced REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep in mice by using light in what they call the field of optogenetics. They discovered that REM episodes can be triggered in mice simply by shining a light directly on to specific neurons or brain cells. Allegedly, psychotronic technology developed by the military is easily just as capable of planting thoughts in a target's mind as it at reading, or scanning (psychotronic scanning), them and this ties in with the Project Bluebeam conspiracy theory. 

Psychotronic Warfare

If conspiracy theories surrounding both the Russian military and the US military are to be believed, then they have already developed and utilized psycho-electronic devices used for psychotronic torture and covert psychological warfare purposes. Seeing as the US military were using weather modification techniques as early as the 1960's in order to carry out covert warfare, it makes sense that they would be developing psychotronic devices by now.

Whereas official US military documentation shows how they were modifying the weather for covert warfare purposes as early as the 1960's, more recently it has been proven that they are indeed now spraying chemtrails. Many people believe there are multiple reasons for these chemtrails and that one of those reasons is to allow the propagation of holograms, as part of the Project Bluebeam deception, in order to fake an alien invasion.

Project Bluebeam theorists propose that, in addition to the holograms, psychotronic technology will be used to project the voice of whatever deity is they worship into the minds of the unsuspecting public to make them think that their God is speaking to them and to command them to follow orders. The ultimate outcome supposedly being an oppressive, totalitarian, one world socialist government, one global currency and one world religion with the antichrist sat the top.

It may sound outrageous to some, it may seem outlandish to others but make no mistake about it - psychotronic technology exists, it can already be used to receive and transmit thought and to carry out covert warfare and it's only going to evolve from here.

MedicalConspiracies- A Change of View: “Cannabis Oil Saved My Mother’s Life” UK

A Change of View: "Cannabis Oil Saved My Mother's Life"

My mother is 92 years old. In her forties she developed rheumatoid arthritis in her legs. She also has idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Then she got cancer. 

I look after my mother and this is her journey.

She has lived with me since she lost my father 13 years ago. When she was in her forties she developed rheumatoid arthritis in her legs and also swelling around her knees. In her sixties the arthritis went into her lungs and she was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Slowly her condition deteriorated and she had to go on oxygen. As the years went by her oxygen intake had to be raised from 2 to 3 litres. She was unable to walk a couple of yards without stopping to get her breath and would need to sit for 5 minutes before she was able to speak. Even if she caught a common cold she would have to take antibiotics as it would have weakened her enough to kill her. Because of the arthritis she fell over regularly, it was very worrying and she was always covered in bruises.

The medication she was on is as follows:-

Oxygen – 3 litres, 24 hrs a day

Mucodyne tablets (to keep her chest clear) – 2 tablets, 3 times a day

Furosemide (water retention) – 40 mg, twice a day

Spironolactone (water retention) – 25mg, once a day



2 years ago she was diagnosed with renal cancer. The news wasn't good because the treatment the doctors wanted to perform was to remove her kidney but because of her lung condition she would not have survived the surgery. So all they had to offer was to wait for a severe episode of haematuria in order to perform an embolization.

My attitude to cannabis, I must admit, was not very good. I myself had never tried any sort of recreational drug and totally disapproved of my son smoking it.

But he finally wore me down and I gave my permission for him to grow some in the garden. He was always trying to educate me but I would have none of it and believed the propaganda of cannabis being a demon drug. He started to tell me about it being able to cure cancer and at first I didn't believe him, but then he showed me the Rick Simpson story and I spoke to my mother about trying it. My mother knew she had a lump on her kidney but to this day is unaware that it is cancer. Even though she has never taken any drugs in her life my son, who was growing for himself, said she could have it to make the oil. By this time my mother was suffering from nausea so he suggested canna butter to help her.

We bought some cannabis and made the butter which helped her with the sickness. Then we started to notice the swelling in her legs start to go down and when the oxygen nurse called in to check her she was able to turn her oxygen level down to 2½ litres as her SPO (SpO2) had gone up. When she checked her fingers, which had been blue and flat for a long time, she commented on the fact they had started to turn pink and fill out again. I must admit that this amazed me as I didn't believe that the cannabis would do anything for her lungs, although my son had said it might, because I knew that they had gone hard and scarred.We then noticed that she was talking to us as she walked and was able to walk without falling over. A month later I called the oxygen nurse in and by then my mother's SPO had gone up again so she reduced the oxygen intake further to 2 litres.

After being on canna butter for a couple of months we were finally able to harvest the cannabis and make the oil. Just after starting on the oil she had a bad haemorrhage and had to go into hospital, while she was there we were told that her SPO was so good that she no longer needed oxygen. That was last November and she hasn't needed it since. She even manged to climb the stairs on 2 nights when the stair lift malfunctioned.

That wasn't all, she didn't need the mucodyne tablets or the water retention tablets anymore.

She was admitted to hospital in November because she had cut her fluid intake and become severely dehydrated, so much so that she was seeing things. Her hair was falling out, she was talking gobbledygook, she was haemorrhageing very heavily and was being sick every time she ate or drank anything. She didn't really know what day it was and we worried that she would be put on the Liverpool care pathway. However the dehydration was treated, she was given tablets to stop the bleeding and allowed to come home.

We took her home after a week and then the long fight began, which is still on going. She had developed anorexia and had reflux too. She also had pain in her kidney region. My mother had a scan when she was first diagnosed with cancer which showed a 6 cm tumour on her right kidney. I'm not sure how much the tumours had grown between the first scan and the last, being the one and only MRI scan to date, performed in April this year. However the later MRI scan showed the tumour was in fact 10 cms and she also had a growth on her adrenal gland and yet another on the vein going from the kidney to the heart.

She had 3 severe haemorrhages from November to April, treated with tranexamic acid tablets. She also lost 4 stone in weight. Each time she has been discharged she has gone straight back on the oil, a gram a day, which has been supplied by some wonderful guys and since the last bad haemorrhage in April the bleeding has started to subside.

The guys also talked me into starting an indoor grow, which I would have been horrified about before learning that the herb isn't the evil plant that we had been led to believe by the papers and government.

She is now taking no pharmaceuticals, she is pain free and has started to gain weight. The doctors keep offering palliative care, which is end of life care, but she now gets herself out of bed, washes and dresses herself and comes downstairs unaided. She also takes herself up to bed and undresses herself. To add to this she also enjoys days out every week and has not long returned from a short holiday. Far from being at the end of her life!

The cannabis has given back her quality of life.

She has just been for another scan and we are waiting for the results but the Radiographer told me that the tumour appeared to be smaller than in the previous scan, so we have a lot of hope now.

Without cannabis and the help from the cannabis community my mum would be dead by now, but this wasn't about prolonging her life. Seeing someone unable to eat, struggling to breathe, in pain and losing blood is not something I would wish on anyone. This herb will allow her to die with dignity when the time comes. My attitude to cannabis has changed during the past year. I have read up on its history and the government is the 'evil one' for withholding this miraculous little plant from people who really need it. I now spread the word on all the benefits of cannabis to anyone who will listen.

Thank you to the Birmingham Cannabis Club member for sharing this very personal and positive life changing story about medical cannabis, not to mention her grandson for being persistent in telling the truth about cannabis. It has helped save her mother's life. Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below and if you have a story that you want to share get in touch with us at

MedicalConspiracies- Traces of Cocaine, Other Illegal Drugs in Ontario Drinking Water -- Justin Trudeau To Build Marijuana Stores In Every City Across Canada

Traces of Cocaine, Other Illegal Drugs in Ontario Drinking Water: Study 30 SHARES Share Share MONTREAL — A new study says drinking water in parts of southern Ontario contains traces of several illegal drugs — including cocaine. Researchers at McGill University found water discharged from waste-water treatment plants in the Grand River watershed has the potential to contaminate sources of drinking water with drugs such as morphine, cocaine and oxycodone. The study — published in the journal Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry — says the drugs are found only in relatively limited quantities in the river water. However, it notes their concentration did not decline with distance downstream from the waste-water treatment plant and says many of the drugs were not removed completely during drinking-water treatment. Lead author Prof. Viviane Yargeau of McGill's Department of Chemical Engineering says improving waste-water treatment processes can help clean up drinking water. Yargeau says the results of the study demonstrate a link between waste-water plant discharges and quality of drinking-water sources. "While previous studies have shown that there are trace elements of various chemicals that remain in our drinking water, what is novel about this research is that we looked at the chemicals that are found in the water course between the waste-water treatment plant and the drinking-water treatment plant," Yargeau said. The next stage in Yargeau's research will be a five-year project to look into how improvements of waste-water treatment and natural processes along rivers impact the presence of contaminants in drinking water. Source: CTV News

Traces of Cocaine, Other Illegal Drugs in Ontario Drinking Water: Study 30 SHARES Share Share MONTREAL — A new study says drinking water in parts of southern Ontario contains traces of several illegal drugs — including cocaine. Researchers at McGill University found water discharged from waste-water treatment plants in the Grand River watershed has the potential to contaminate sources of drinking water with drugs such as morphine, cocaine and oxycodone. The study — published in the journal Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry — says the drugs are found only in relatively limited quantities in the river water. However, it notes their concentration did not decline with distance downstream from the waste-water treatment plant and says many of the drugs were not removed completely during drinking-water treatment. Lead author Prof. Viviane Yargeau of McGill's Department of Chemical Engineering says improving waste-water treatment processes can help clean up drinking water. Yargeau says the results of the study demonstrate a link between waste-water plant discharges and quality of drinking-water sources. "While previous studies have shown that there are trace elements of various chemicals that remain in our drinking water, what is novel about this research is that we looked at the chemicals that are found in the water course between the waste-water treatment plant and the drinking-water treatment plant," Yargeau said. The next stage in Yargeau's research will be a five-year project to look into how improvements of waste-water treatment and natural processes along rivers impact the presence of contaminants in drinking water. Source: CTV News


Traces of Cocaine, Other Illegal Drugs in Ontario Drinking Water:

Study 30 SHARES Share Share MONTREAL — A new study says drinking water in parts of southern Ontario contains traces of several illegal drugs — including cocaine. Researchers at McGill University found water discharged from waste-water treatment plants in the Grand River watershed has the potential to contaminate sources of drinking water with drugs such as morphine, cocaine and oxycodone.

The study — published in the journal Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry — says the drugs are found only in relatively limited quantities in the river water. However, it notes their concentration did not decline with distance downstream from the waste-water treatment plant and says many of the drugs were not removed completely during drinking-water treatment.

Lead author Prof. Viviane Yargeau of McGill's Department of Chemical Engineering says improving waste-water treatment processes can help clean up drinking water. Yargeau says the results of the study demonstrate a link between waste-water plant discharges and quality of drinking-water sources.

 "While previous studies have shown that there are trace elements of various chemicals that remain in our drinking water, what is novel about this research is that we looked at the chemicals that are found in the water course between the waste-water treatment plant and the drinking-water treatment plant," Yargeau said.

The next stage in Yargeau's research will be a five-year project to look into how improvements of waste-water treatment and natural processes along rivers impact the presence of contaminants in drinking water. Source: CTV News

Traces of Cocaine, Other Illegal Drugs in Ontario Drinking Water: Study 30 SHARES Share Share MONTREAL — A new study says drinking water in parts of southern Ontario contains traces of several illegal drugs — including cocaine. Researchers at McGill University found water discharged from waste-water treatment plants in the Grand River watershed has the potential to contaminate sources of drinking water with drugs such as morphine, cocaine and oxycodone. The study — published in the journal Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry — says the drugs are found only in relatively limited quantities in the river water. However, it notes their concentration did not decline with distance downstream from the waste-water treatment plant and says many of the drugs were not removed completely during drinking-water treatment. Lead author Prof. Viviane Yargeau of McGill's Department of Chemical Engineering says improving waste-water treatment processes can help clean up drinking water. Yargeau says the results of the study demonstrate a link between waste-water plant discharges and quality of drinking-water sources. "While previous studies have shown that there are trace elements of various chemicals that remain in our drinking water, what is novel about this research is that we looked at the chemicals that are found in the water course between the waste-water treatment plant and the drinking-water treatment plant," Yargeau said. The next stage in Yargeau's research will be a five-year project to look into how improvements of waste-water treatment and natural processes along rivers impact the presence of contaminants in drinking water. Source: CTV News

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Subject: [Health_and_Healing] Justin Trudeau To Build Marijuana Stores In Every City Across Canada | Hot Global News
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2015 14:52:42 -0700
From: Champak Anand [Health_and_Healing] <>

Posted by: Champak Anand <>



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MedicalConspiracies- The Pharmaceutical Empire is Evil

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Subject: [Health_and_Healing] Fwd: The Pharmaceutical Empire is Evil
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 11:09:10 -0400
From: [Health_and_Healing] <>

The Pharmaceutical Empire is Evil

Pharmaceutical Corporations produce drugs that kill and hurt hundreds of thousands of people a year, even when they are properly prescribed. Death by medicine is all to common.

The Pharmaceutical Empire is Evil

I am proud to have been the one to coin the term pharmaceutical terrorism, which is an important concept if one is to understand the world of medicine, and how badly people are being hurt by it. The above image is from a video series by Dr. Joseph Mercola. Dr. Carolyn Dean and Dr. Gary Null, and others have written extensively about “death by medicine,†yet the practice of medicine continues as usual.

Most mainstream doctors do not want to entertain the reality that they cooperate and work with the largest terrorism organizations on earth. Corporations that produce drugs that kill and hurt hundreds of thousands of people a year, even when they are properly prescribed, are protected by governments, politicians and arrogant medical officials who cannot and will not confront the truth. Thus, these people are foot soldiers of evil though they will never admit or come to terms with it.

Dr. David Brownstein singlehandedly has taken up the torch and is standing up to this Goliath of evil. He writes, “It has been 15 months since a senior CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, became a whistleblower when he admitted that a 2004 CDC study was falsified in order to show that there was no link between the MMR vaccine and autism. In August of 2014 Dr. Thompson stated, “I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the Journal of Pediatrics.†Folks, we have a whistleblower at the CDC who has admitted, under oath that the CDC falsified data in order to deny a link between vaccinations and autism.  Furthermore, Dr. Thompson has stated that senior CDC researchers tried to destroy all documents related to this cover-up.  Dr. Thompson has saved these documents.  It is nearly 15 months later and nothing has happened. Nada. Zip. Zero. There have been no Congressional hearings.  The mainstream media has refused to talk about it.â€

Anyone who cannot see the evil inside of themselves are evil for we all have a dark side that we need to confront and work with to evolve into more loving beings. Dr. Brownstein calls on people like you and me to reach out to their representatives in congress to do something about this. Ten years ago the chances of a response, I believe, would have been greater, but today it seems that human consciousness has been beaten back to the stone age in terms of ability to think and respond appropriately to evil. We are so surrounded by evil that it seems normal to most people who just accept the status quo completely.

We are a weak race of beings. We do not confront the evil in the world. We do not and cannot even confront the evil (weakness) inside of us. Shakespeare had it down right with his cast of hero characters who each had a tragic flaw, an Achilles heal. They all fell to their dooms because they could not master their greatest weakness.

 Dr. Suzanne Humphries wrote, “It’s fall in the northern hemisphere and more than one type of darkness has set in. Vaccines are being injected at lightning speed. New vaccines, untested vaccines, double-strength flu vaccines for the over-65 group; none of which have been shown to be effective at keeping anyone healthy. The naïve are lining up at clinics, shopping malls, and retail stores. They don’t know which kind of vaccine they will receive. Which manufacturer is it? Does it have mercury? What chemicals does it contain? Why should they care? Why would they not trust their doctor (or their local pharmacist)?â€

Years ago, the H1N1 vaccine was linked to 700 percent increase in miscarriagesbut the government does not care about this form of terrorism because they are terrorists at heart and by nature at the CDC and the FDA. A shocking reportfrom the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) presented data from two different sources demonstrating that the 2009/10 H1N1 vaccines contributed to an estimated 1,588 miscarriages and stillbirths. A corrected estimate may be as high as 3,587 cases. NCOW also highlights the disturbing fact that the CDC failed to inform their vaccine providers of the incoming data of the reports of suspected H1N1 vaccine-related fetal demise.

The increasing wave of senseless violence can also be blamed on big pharmaceutical companies that put out incredibly toxic and dangerous antidepressant drugs that drive people to the edge. However, people in mass continue to take these medications. Doctors keep writing prescriptions without any accountability to the consequences to their patients nor to the suicides or mass killings.

More Insanity from Pharmaceutical Companies - Exercise Pills

“Sedentary lifestyles, limited physical exercise, and prolonged inactivity undoubtedly increase chronic diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. It is widely acknowledged that exercise induces a number of physiological adaptations that have beneficial effects in the prevention and treatment of these chronic metabolic diseases. Unfortunately, exercise compliance is extremely low and often not possible,†writes Dr. Shunchang Li, published in the journal Trends in Pharmacological Sciences.

Time Magazine writes, “It sounds too good to be true and for now, it is. But what if some of the benefits of exercise could be packed into a pill? Scientists are beginning to develop “exercise pills†that show some potential.

So-called “exercise pills†are made from unnatural compounds that are supposed to mimic one or more of the effects of exercise, like developing new blood vessels, forming new mitochondria in cells or increasing the body’s capacity for exercise. Obviously, they will do that with toxic side effects that exercise does not have.

The insanity of the researchers involved in wrapped up with the belief that one can increase the efficiency of ATP with pharmaceutical substances, most of which are mitochondrial poisons. This evil medical thinking is unfortunately all too common.

Exercise, even at minimal levels are vital for health. We know that exercisers are less likely to die of their cancers than non-exercisers

Dr. Mark Sircus

Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P)

Director International Medical Veritas Association

Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine



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